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我是谁 @家亮老师-TOEFLSAT 关注我的个人微信:jialiang7691219 工科硕士,精通英美文学与金融工程,曾就职于CICC投行部 CFA CPA 天生的浪漫主义与理想主义青年在国内知名上市教育公司教授托福/SAT/GMAT/GRE课程 首创的亮点式精读法帮助上万名考生解决阅读难题,取得理想成绩 中国最年轻的职业规划师 出版书籍:《新托福亮点式精读法》 14年6月底出版 《亮点式SAT词汇速记》 14年12月份出版 14年6月28,29日重点机经解读 文史类:古代文明古国 ---叙利亚古文明 艺术文化---古埃及文字 农业的起源 贸易与商业 欧洲工业 新浪微博:家亮老师-TOEFLSAT 生物类:红嘴雀 鱼的进化 热带雨林动物沟通 新浪微博:家亮老师-TOEFLSAT 地球科学类:厄尔尼诺现象 高山海洋的形成理论 新浪微博:家亮老师-TOEFLSAT Quelea The Quelea is the worlds most abundant wild bird species, with an estimated adult breeding population of 1.5 billion pairs. The entire population is found in sub-Saharan Africa and is generally absent from deeply forested regions and the southern reaches of South Africa 新浪微博:家亮老师-TOEFLSAT Red-billed Quelea are small birds and average-sized weaver-finches. During the breeding stage, the adult male is distinguished by his more colorful plumage and red bill. Breeding plumage in male queleas is unusually variable: comprising a facial mask which ranges from black to white in color, and breast and crown plumage which varies from yellowish to bright red. For the rest of the year both males and fledged non-breeding birds have plumage that resembles that of the adult female. The females bill is yellow during breeding, and red during the non-breeding season. 新浪微博:家亮老师-TOEFLSAT Red-billed Quelea live and breed in huge flocks which can take up to 5 hours to fly past. They live mostly in steppe and savanna regions, but do not avoid human settlements. While foraging for food they may fly large distances each day without tiring. Their life expectancy is two to three years. 新浪微博:家亮老师-TOEFLSAT Breeding is localized and erratic but often colonies include tens of thousands to millions of pairs. The breeding season begins with the seasonal rains, which come at different times in different parts of their range



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