英语语言学实用教程课件unit9 13整理ppt.ppt

英语语言学实用教程课件unit9 13整理ppt.ppt

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英语语言学实用教程课件unit9 13整理ppt

Fossilization For most of us the acquisition of second language is less spectacular than that of L1. If we are past the age of around 7-10 years the acquisition of an L2, in marked contrast to the way we acquired our first language (L1), can turn out to be rather slow, laborious and, even in talented L2 learners, tends to stop short of native-like proficiency. This stopping short has been referred to as fossilization (Selinker, 1972) or incompleteness (Schachter, 1990). Selinker(1996) [F]ossilization is the process whereby the learner creates a cessation of interlanguage learning, thus stopping the interlanguage from developing, it is hypothesized, in a permanent way …. The argument is that no adult can hope to ever speak a second language in such a way that s/he is indistinguishable from native speakers of that language. d. The strategy issue The serious study of learner strategies dates back to the 1980s. Three types of strategies have been distinguished: learning strategies, production strategies, and communication strategies. e. Other learner-related issues Age, gender, aptitude, cognitive style, and personality 13.3 Aspects of learners’ English receptive vocabulary (which they can only use in reading and listening) productive vocabulary (which they can also use in writing and speaking) declarative knowledge refers to their static knowledge of words, grammar rules, pragmatic conventions procedural knowledge refers to their ability and facility regarding how to put such knowledge into actual use Accuracy Complexity Fluency Idiomaticity 13.4 Learners’ English errors 1) structuralist views (prior to 1960) Errors are evidence of bad learning and should be avoided/corrected/not allowed to occur. 2) Post-structuralist view Influenced by the idea that learning a language involves making constant hypotheses about the structure of the target language, scholars believed that errors are evidence of learners incorrect hypotheses. Selinker (1972) put forwa


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