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I.课文内容简介: 简单介绍人工智能的基本知识。 Lesson 1 Artificial Intelligence P9 Expert Systems Evaluation only. Created with Aspose.Slides for .NET 3.5 Client Profile Copyright 2004-2011 Aspose Pty Ltd. II.New Words 1.Descartes [dei’kɑ:t,d?kart] 2. La Mettrie 3.metaphors [met?f?] 4.irony [?a?r?ni] 5. paradigmatic [?p?r?diɡ?m?tik] 6. Aristotle [??rist?tl] 7.alien [?eilj?n] 8. epistemology [i?pisti?m?l?d?i] 9. Plato [?pleit?u] 10.foreseeable [f?:?si:?bl] n. n. n. adj. n. n. adj. n. n. adj. 笛卡尔 (RenМ, 1596-1650, 法国哲学家、 数学家、物理学家) 拉·梅特里, 法国思想家,著有《人是机器》 隐喻;暗喻(一种修辞手段);比喻说法;象征 1.?反语,反话, 冷嘲 2.?具有讽刺意味的事; 嘲弄;(出乎意料的)奇异可笑之处;有讽刺意味的情况 作为示范的;例证的, 典型的 亚里斯多德 (公元前384-前322年,古希腊哲学家,科学家) 外星人;外国人,外侨,局外人 外国的,外国人的;陌生的;性质不同的 【哲】认识论 柏拉图 (公元前427?-347,古希腊哲学家) 可预知的,能预测的,能看透的 P9 Expert Systems Evaluation only. Created with Aspose.Slides for .NET 3.5 Client Profile Copyright 2004-2011 Aspose Pty Ltd. IV. 难句翻译 [1] We have witnessed the rise of the age of computers, and the winds are shifting from an intellectual or scientific approach to the problem of intelligence to a technological or engineering (expert systems) solution, in which very large computational systems will be made to imitate our best human thinkers. 我们见证了计算机时代的兴盛,研究的热点从智能问题的“智能化”或者说“科学的”方法转移到问题的技术或者工程(专家系统)求解。求解过程中运用大型计算机系统来模仿人类最优秀的专家。 [2]This poses a dilemma, and places the original questions concerning humans and machines in a now blurred matrix: machines surely seem more human than they used to (they can do intelligent things, formerly reserved only to humans); we seem more like machines in new and problematic ways. 这产生了一个两难推理,使关于人类和机器的原始问题成为一个模糊的关系:机器比以往都接近人类(它们能做一些“智能”的工作,这些工作过去都是专属人类的),而我们以一种新的未确定的方式越来越像机器。 P9 Expert Systems Evaluation only. Created with Aspose.Slides for .NET 3.5 Client Profile Copyright 2004-2011 Aspose Pty Ltd. V.参考译文 第一课 人工智能 P9 Expert Systems Evaluation only. Created with Aspose.Slides for .NET 3.5 Client Profile Copyright 2004-2011 Aspose Pty Ltd. P9 Expert Systems Evalu



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