多功能跑步机(机械部分设计) 大学本科论文.docVIP

多功能跑步机(机械部分设计) 大学本科论文.doc

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多功能跑步机(机械部分设计) 大学本科论文

毕业设计说明书 多功能跑步机(机械部分设计) 班 级: 学号: 姓 名: 学 院: 专 业: 指导教师: 2014年 6 月 多功能跑步机(机械部分设计) 摘 要 跑步机是家庭及健身房常备的器材,而且是当今家庭健身器材中最简单的一种,是家庭健身器的最佳选择。专家们相信未来跑步机市场将以高价位产品为主导。低价位产品销售也不错,近几年价格已有上升趋势。注重生活时尚的消费者认为跑步机价格在 1000美元以上是理所当然的事。这些迹象表明,未来跑步机仍会持续增长。 此次设计的任务为学习相关三维软件并使用软件进行电动跑步机机械部分的零件建摸,结构设计,产品的装配,和最后出产品的渲染图,发布产品的宣传海报。设计过程中使用了三维实体软件SOLIDWORKS进行了零件的实体建模,和总体结构的设计。设计包括支架,基架,滚筒,跑步板,跑步带等,设计中参考了国内外各品牌结构和样式,对传动机构进行了精确计算,而且设计中重点突出了减震系统的重要性和跑步板防静电的功能性,设计更为人性化,使跑步者能感受到跑步机的力量。 由于跑步机的特殊性,安全问题更值关注,如何正确使用跑步机,和跑步机的保养同样重要。 关键词:总体结构,传动机构,减震系统,跑步板,跑步机使用,多功能设计 Multi-function treadmill (mechanical parts design) Abstract The race apparatus is the family and apparatus always on the alert of gymnasium, and the simplest one in the body-building apparatus of the current family, it is the best choice of the family building up body device . The experts believe the race apparatus market will take high price products as the leading factor in the future. Low price products sell too good, price in recent years had the tendency to rise. Pay attention to consumers with fashionable life and think the price of the race apparatus is the natural thing above 1000 U.S. dollars. These signs indicate , the race apparatus will still increase continuously in the future. Have used the three-dimensional entity software SOLIDWORKS to carry on the entity modeling of the part in the course of designing, design with the ensemble architecture . Design and include the support , the base shelf , the cylinder , run board, is it bring to run, design consult domestic and international every brand structure and design, carry on accurate calculation by organization to transmission, and design stress shock attenuation systematic importance and run the static -proof functionality of the board especially, the design enables persons who run to experience the strength of the race apparatu


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