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纸质信函英语 篇一:私人信函英语格式及例文 3. Use Your Hands 私人信函 Personal Letters私人信函是指与朋友、家人之间的往来书信,其内容比较自由,大致包括以 下 部 分 : 信 头 (Heading) 、 称 呼 (Salutation) 、 正 文 (Body of Letter) 、 结 束 语 (Complimentary Close)和署名(Signature)。 1. 信头是指写信方的地址和日期,在私人信函中,信头通常可以省略。先 写地址后写日期,地址的写法是从小到大,如 Model 中的地址写法。时间有英 式与美式两种,例如: 英式:13th October, 2008 美式: October 13th,2008 2. 称呼是对收信人的称谓。 在信内地址下一两行处顶格写起,自成一行。 称谓语用 Dear 称呼,如 Dear Zhang Lin。末尾用逗号。 3. 正文是一封信的主体部分,通常在称呼的下一行写出。正文可采用齐头 式或缩进式的方法。 4. 结束语在正文之后一行的偏右方开始写,最后一个词后面用逗号。常用 的结束语有:Yours/Yours sincerely/Yours truly/Yours faithfully。 5. 署名在结束语的下方。 ?Model: No.168 Boshi Road Jilin Animation Institute (Heading) Changchun China July 18, 2009Dear Sir, (Salutation)(Body of Letter)(ComplimentaryClose)Yours, (Signature) Winnie?Example: No.168 Boshi Road Jilin Animation Institute Changchun, China 130024 November 21st, 2008Dear Zhang Ming, How time flies! I抦 not sure if you still remember me. I抦 the woman you and your friends meet in California. At that time I told you I would be working in China. I have been here for three month. I teach animation in Jilin Animation Institute. I would love to visit you and your two friends, and also like to visit your university. I look forward to hearing from you.Yours, Marry Low?Useful Expressions amp; Sentence Patterns:1. Yours/Yours sincerely/Yours truly/Yours faithfully 鄙人/您真诚的/您诚心的/您衷心的 2. institute 研究所;学院 3. How time flies! 时间飞逝! 4. I have been here for three months. 我在这儿呆了三个月了。 5. I would love to visit you… 我想要拜访您… 6. I’m looking forward to hearing from you. 盼早日来信! 7. Wishing you a happy holiday. 祝假日愉快!?Write:You are required to write a letter according to the information given below. You should write no less than 60 words. 假如你是李明, 请给父母写一封信, 讲述一下你在大学里的生活与学习情况。参考答案: Dear Dad and Mum, How time flies! Your son has grown up and I know that you have the high expectations of me. I know that you hope me to study hard and have a bright future. The big difference between high school and college makes me grow up, to be a responsible


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