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英文化验证明书lot 篇一:英文化验证明书LOT 范文销售确认书sales confirmation 号码: no. ________________ 日期:date: ______________ 签约地点:signed at: __________卖方: sellers: ___________________________________ 地址:电传/传真: address: __________________________________ telex/fax: ________________ 买方: buyers: ___________________________________地址:电传/传真: address: __________________________________ telex/fax: _______________ 兹买卖双方同意成交下列商品,订立条款如下: the undersigned sellers and buyers have agreed to close the following transactions according to the terms and 6.包装: packing: 7.装运期:收到可转船及分批装运之信用证后天内装出。 time of shipment: to be effected by the seller within 30 days after receipt of l/c allowing partial shipment and transshipment. 8.装运口岸:中国 上海 port of loading:shanghai china 9.目的港:加拿大 多伦多 port of destination:toronto canada 10.付款条件:100%不可撤销即期信用证应由买方及时开出并在_____年_____月______ 日之前到达卖方,该信用证在装运日期15天内在中国议付有效。如信用证迟到,卖方对迟运 不承担任何责任,并有权撤销本确认书和/或向买方提出索赔terms of payment: by100% irrevocable sight letter of credit to be opened by the buyer to the sellers not later than _______ and remain valid for negotiation in china until the 15th day after date of shipment. in case of late arrival of the l/c, the seller shall not to be liable for any delay in shipment and shall have the right to rescind the sales confirmation and/or claim for damages. 11.保险:由卖方按照中国保险条款按发票金额的110%投保一切险和战争险。insurance: to be effected by sellers for 110% of the cif invoice value covering all risks and war risks as per china insurance clauses. 12.索赔:如买方对质量/数量提出异议,须于货物到达目的港后30天内提出,并经卖方 同意的检验机构出具的检验报告供卖方审核。在任何情况下卖方对间接损失不承担赔偿责任, 属于保险公司、船公司、运输机构和/或邮局责任范围内的索赔卖方不予受理。 13.不可抗力:如由于自然灾害、战争或其他不可抗力的原因致使卖方对本确认书项下的 货物不能装运或延迟装运,卖方对此不负任何责任,但卖方应及时通知买方并于15天内以航 空挂号函件寄给买方由中国国家贸易促进委员会出具的证明发生此类事件的证明。 force majeure: the seller shall not be liable for non-delivery or delay in delivery of the entire lot or a portion of the goods hereunder by reasons of natural disasters, war or other causes of force majeure. however, the seller shall notify the buyer as s


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