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会计信息不对称成因及措施探讨 专业班级:会计 姓名:李明泽 摘 要 会计信息是人们在经济活动过程中运用会计理论和方法,通过会计实践获得反映会计主体价值运动状况的经济信息.会计信息失真是困扰会计界多年的问题.会计信息,尤其是真实的会计信息对于企业本身,甚至于整个国民经济都有着不可估量的作用.会计信息失真一直是我国会计领域的顽症,会计信息的严重失真已经对国家经济秩序构成了严重威胁. 由此可见,会计信息不对称所造成的不良后果是十分严重的,要想提高会计信息的质量以及透明度并不是一件容易的事,需要参与各方彼此协同合作。所以本文从会计信息不对称所导致的问题,成因及应对策略三方面结合理论与文献分析的方式进行探讨。 尽管要彻底消除会计信息不对称的问题是不切实际的,且本文将其原因归结为以下四点:信息自身的特点、利益至上的目标、信息管理软件操作的不规范、财务人员主观判断与业务素质欠佳,但是从公司治理、社会监管、政府调节、法律制约等角度出发,我们还是能找出些尝试性补救措施的。 关键词 会计信息不对称 信息披露 成因分析 信息质量 Causes And Discussion on Countermeasures of Accounting Information Asymmetry Abstract Accounting information is the essential foundation for the effective operation of the socio-economic and the effective operational of socio-economic requires that accounting information can reflects the objective facts. As a bond connecting businesses and outside investors, accounting information has the absolute impact on normal and efficient operation of the capital market. However, there are some serious problems in the current economic operation, such as the loss of State assets, the securities’ and managers’ market failure, high social transaction costs, fraudulent transactions, market disorder and lack of honesty, which to a large extent associated with the asymmetry of accounting information. In order to improve the quality and transparency of accounting information is not an easy job, it needs to be involved in collaborating with each other.Therefore, the adverse consequences of accounting information asymmetry are very serious.In this article i want to explore from three ways which are accounting problems caused by asymmetric information, causes and countermeasures combining with analysis of literature and theories. Despite to thoroughly elimination of the problems caused by accounting information asymmetry is unrealistic, and its causes can be summed up as following four points: features carried by information, interests first of ultimate target, unspecifi


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