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( 二 〇 一〇年 四 月 六 日 摘 要 污垢普遍存在于自然界、日常生活和各种工业生产过程,特别是各种传热过程中。污垢生成的过程极其复杂,结垢的原因又多种多样,这样使得对污垢的研究变得非常困难。因此开发监测污垢的设备和技术的意义尤为重大。本文基于这一原因,针对比较容易产生污垢的火电厂凝汽器的换热面进行监测研究并在火电厂循环冷却水模拟试验台上,在线监测污垢特性装置。 在线监测本文还应用所的在线监测装置,本装置用于在线监测污垢热阻的可性。:火电厂循环冷却水模拟实验台污垢在线监测装置比较真实、灵敏地反映了循环冷却水系统中模拟凝汽器中的结垢变化情况和化学阻垢剂的阻垢效果。在线监测冷却水 Abstract Fouling is found all over the nature, daily life and most of industrial processes, especially in all heat transfer processes. Because the fouling process is very complicate and there are lots of factors affecting the fouling accumulation, the research on this subject is still in a difficult progress. Therefore, the research in fouling monitoring technique and equipment has an important significance. Thermal power plant cooling water system in operation process, corrosion and scaling always happen to heat exchangers. Based on the reason above, this paper emphasize on the research of heat transfer in condenser on which fouling happened frequently. The original fouling resistance monitor was improved and fixed on the circulating cooling water system simulating test-bed. According to the on-line fouling resistance monitoring technique and comparison, the original on-line fouling resistance monitoring devices, were carried out hardware and software to improve in two areas. In terms of hardware, the original wall temperature sensor resistance was displaced by heat thermocouple and a temperature measurement points to four. In terms of software,corresponding system managing software was developed by LabVIEW 7.0 with recorded information, the message about the titanium tube fouling resistance trough the device was known well. The chemical anti-fouling and the ion-rod static anti-fouling were test by the improved on-line fouling resistance monitoring devices. The experiments fully showed the anti-fouling performance of agents and static equipments. Meanwhile, the results of the above experiment investigations also demonstrate the feasibility of the develope


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