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长途汽车信息管理系统的设计与实现 摘 要 随着社会的发展,人类进入了一个高速发展的信息时代,高新技术飞速发展的同时,计算机的使用范围也渗透到人类生活的方方面面,给人们的生活和工作带来极大的便利。 长途汽车信息管理系统是长途汽车车站信息汇总和管理的重要组成部分,是一种典型的信息管理系统,囊括了对长途汽车车站相关信息的管理,可以化简繁琐的工作过程,使车站的管理更加合理化和科学化,大大提高工作效率和节省运营成本。 本长途汽车信息管理系统采用Visual Basic 6.0作为开发语言,用SQL Server 2000开发后台数据库,本系统主要包含了系统用户管理,汽车线路信息管理,汽车基本信息管理,车票信息管理四大模块,可以实现对汽车线路信息,汽车基本信息和车票信息的录入,查询,修改,删除等功能,能满足长途车站汽车管理工作方面的基本要求。 关键词:Visual Basic 6.0;MSFlexGrid控件;数据库 Long-distance Bus Information Management System Design and Implementation Abstract With the development of society, humanity has entered a rapid development in the information age, as the rapid development of high and new technology, the use of computers has infiltrated into each aspect of human life, which bring great convenient to people’s work and life. The Long-distance Bus information management system is the Long-distance bus station information which decision-making and an important component of management, which is a typical example of the information management system. It includes information which related to the Long-distance Bus station information management. The Long-distance Bus information management system can simplify the cumbersome process, station rationalization of the management and scientific, and greatly enhance efficiency and save operating costs. The system uses Visual Basic 6.0 as the development language, with SQL Server 2000 developing the background database. This system includes the User’s management, Bus-line information management, and the basic information of automobile management and Ticket information management four modules. We can input, search, update or delete information from the Bus-line management, the basic information of automobile management and Ticket information management. This information management system can meet the basic requirements of the Long-distance Bus station management. Key words: Visual Basic 6.0;MSFlexGrid Control;Database 目 录 论文总页数:22页 1 前言 1 1.1 系统开发背景 1 1.2 国内发展状况和不足 1 1.3 系统开发特点 1 2 系统需求分析和数据


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