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2015年8月29日雅思写作真题雅思作文讲解 Peter Mou Bestway Education September 5, 2015 TASK1: 类别 Pie chart 题目 The pie charts show the proportions of energy produced from different sources in a country in 1985 and 2003. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. 写作指导: 1)注意时态,要用过去时; 2)在body段中应先对整体图形做出概括。因为成分较多,可以先将成分进行分组。例如可以将oil, nuclear, natural gas分成一组,其他成分分成一组。而对于oil, nuclear and natural gas三者占主要成分的summary也可以作为对于该图的主要分析。继而,可以对这三种成分的变化做出简要介绍; 3)body第二段中可以对其他成分的大小进行比较。 重点表达式 account for, constitute, represent, take up, make up be considerably higher than…, surpass, exceed show/ present/ keep an upward trend. There was a slight decline in the number of sth. The 18 years witnessed/eyed/saw a slight growth in the consumption of sth. 参考范文 The pie charts present the change of the percentage of the energy produced from various sources in a particular country from 1985 to 2003. It is clear that oil was the most dominant sources from which the energy was produced throughout the whole period, although it dropped from 52% in 1985 to 39%. Likewise, nuclear also declined, but much less significantly to 17%, becoming the third primary source from which the energy was produced. The percentage of natural gas, on the other hand, witnessed the most noticeable increase during the period, rising from 13% in 1985 to 23% in 2003. Coal and other renewable resources, though whose increase was less marked, rising by 5% and 3% respectively. Interestingly, the proportion of the energy produced from the hydrogen remained stable in 1985 and 2003, making it the least used sources from which the energy was produced. Overall, oil, natural gas and nuclear still constitute a larger proportion of all the sources, while other three sources, namely coal, hydrogen and other renewable, are less used when producing the energy. 一些人认为越来越多的商业和文化交流是一个积极的发展。而其他人认为这会导致国家个性的消失。讨论两个观点并且给出你自己的观点。 分析:题目的类型属于双边讨论类。话题类型属于全球化的影响中的文化影响。这是一道老题目,审题要清楚,


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