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for和since用法 e.g. He joined the army two years ago. 他两年前就参军了.(同义句) →He has been in the army for two years. He has been a soldier for two years. It has been two years since he joined the army. 4. provide 提供, 供给, 供应 e.g. The hospital will provide the best medical care.? 5. it is + adj.+for sb. to do sth. 对……来讲做某事是…… e.g. It is helpful for you to get up early. 4used to do sth 过去常常,以前 be used to doing sth习惯做某事 be used to do sth 被用于做某事 be used for doing sth 被用于做某事 8as soon as , not…. until 主将从现、主过从过 if “如果”主将从现 “是否” 宾语从句用法要用陈述语序 10 现在完成时have/ has V动词过去分词 for ,since ,in the past ten years ,so far, in recent years, already, yet, just, never 11 过去进行时was/ were V ing 12 on the tree 生长在树上 in the tree 走进树里 13 by bus = on a bus 14too much不可数名词 much too 形容词 too many 可数名词 15Today I will have apples instead of(而不是) oranges. I will have apples instead. 16 I study hard .努力地 It rains hard.厉害地 hardly 几乎不 17much ,a little , a bit ,even , far +比较级 18 one of 形容词最高级+名词复数 19 Who is knocking at the door? It must be Li Lei. 20job 是可数名词 work 是不可数名词 1 冠词 一、要加the 1)乐器2第二次提到 3)介词和定从在后 4)形容词最高级和序数词前 5)姓前 6)河流前 7)中国特有的节日 二、 不加the 三餐前 国家 城市人名 路前 球棋 ,学科 4季节,星期,节日 5 Mr Miss Mrs 6 this that these those my some your 主谓一致: 1 不定式,动名词,从句作主语 V单 2时间,价格,距离,运算  V单 3and ,both and V复 4 不定代词作主语 V单 5 with, together with , as well as ,besides, except ,but 作主语时,用就远原则。(以前个主语为主) 6 the 形容词 V复 7分数 of 名词 (以名词为主) 1There are _ people in the school, are there? A few B a few C a little D little 2Is there ______ in the box? A something else B anything else C else something D else anything 3He has __ little money that he can’t buy it. A so B such 1 a few(几个)/few(几乎没有) +可数名词复数 a little(有一点)/ little(几乎没有) +不可数名词 2something different 不定代词+形容词 3so many /much /few / little+ 名词 4 She won’t know it until her mother __ back tomorrow. A came B comes D will


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