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单选 1、 A: I B: my C: myself D: mine (代词) 2、 A: a B: an C: the D: / (冠词) 3、A:or B: but C: so D: and (连词) 4、A: at B: of C: to D: by (介词) 5、A: how far B: how long C: how often D:how soon (疑问副词词) 6 、A: The less ; the more B:the more ; the better C: the less ; the better D:the more ; the less (形容词比较级) 7、 A: is added B: adds C: was added D:added (动词时态和语态) 8 、A:was B: has been C: will be D: is (动词时态) 9 、A:How great a man B:How great men C:What a great man D:What great men (感叹句) 10、A:because B: though C: until D: unless (连词) 完型填空 31、 A: made B: lent C: seen D: dropped (动词) 32、 A: looked for B: paid for C:left for D:waited for (动词) 33、A:How B: Which C: What D: Why (疑问词) 34、A: worried B: bored C: interested D: relaxed (副词) 35、A: pushed B: passed C: led D:threw (动词) 36 、A: carefully B:easily C: carelessly D:hardly (副词) 37、 A: food B: drink C: cloth D:money (名词) 38 、A:well B: sick C: busy D: free (形容词) 39 、A:cuteness B:illness C:kindness D:sadness (名词) 40、A:before B: whether C: though D: if (连词) 阅读理解 A 41. The color of the Tower Bridge hasn’t changed for more than a hundred years.( ) 42. In 1894, the Tower Bridge was built in London. ( ) 43. The Tower of London has a much longer history than the Tower Bridge. ( ) 44. The Tower Bridge is now raised less often than in the past. ( ) 45. This passage means to introduce the Tower of London. ( ) 细节题 细节题 细节题 概括性题 细节题 阅读理解 B 46. When Li and his wife returned from Shenzhen, they were sad because . A. the land around the village was covered with sand. B. they didn’t have enough money to buy trees. C. their village was not as beautiful


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