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What should we say? If you want to visit the home, be sure to get. General visit can send small gift, if to dinner, but again some rich. Gift should give the hostess, and said, "I hope you can like (I hope you 'll like it.) and so on, don't say" something rituals, no respect. ", "something bad, please kindly accept it. "The Chinese often love saying these words when they sending gifts. This kind of words will make foreigners think you look down on them. Compliments and Response East&West What we can see from it? The Americans are “straight forwardness”, the Chinese take pride in “modesty”. In the response to compliments. Chinese are tend to efface themselves in words or refuse it, although they do feel comfortable about the compliments. ? Germany When visiting a German home, gifts that reflect your home country are popular, and you might want to bring small gifts for the children of the family you are visiting。Gifts are customarily wrapped and many Germans spend considerable time designing elegant wrappings. Most shops offer gift-wrapping services, too。 * * * * * * Values Individualism Collectivism West East From Film Difference between East and West 3 Introduction The film is set in 1937 in Nanjing, China during the Nanking Massacre, at the time of the Second Sino-Japanese War. A group of escapees, finding sanctuary in a Church compound, risk their lives as they struggle to survive the plight and persecution brought on by the violent invasion of the city. East VS West The Flowers of War fails to make Oscars China's state media are bemoaning the failure of the nation's most ambitious movie to make an impact at this year's Academy Awards. Global Times points out that many Chinese have come to the conclusion that no matter how hard Chinese filmmakers try, they will never be able to cater to Western tastes. Sacrifice There is a vast difference between the major philosophies of eastern and western life. Westerners believe in self dedication to


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