frp加固钢筋混凝土圆柱破坏模式及纤维应变特性研究 - 世界地震工程.pdf

frp加固钢筋混凝土圆柱破坏模式及纤维应变特性研究 - 世界地震工程.pdf

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frp加固钢筋混凝土圆柱破坏模式及纤维应变特性研究 - 世界地震工程

24 2 Vol. 24, No. 2 2008 6 WORLD EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING Jun. 2008 : 2008) FRP 1, 2 1 1, 1 顾冬生 , 吴 刚 , 吴智深 , 郭正兴 ( 1. , 210096; 2. , 214122; . , 16- 8511) : FRP, FRP FRP, FRP , FRP, FRP FRP, FRP FRP FRP , FRP, : FRP; ; ; ; ; : P 15. 97 : A Researches on failurem odes and fiber strain response of FRPstrengthened RC circular colum ns 1, 2 1 1, 1 GU Dongsheng , WU Gang, WU Zh ishen , GUO Zhengxing ( 1. College of Civil Engineering, SoutheastUniversity, Nanjing 210096, China; 2. College ofC ivil Engineering, JiangnanU iniuersity, W uxi 214122, China; . D epartm ent of Urban Civil Engineering, IbarakiUniversity, H itachi 16- 8511, Japan) Abstract: A lot of expermi entalprograms have been conducted to study the effectiveness of FRP to strengthen ing the seism ic performance of existing circu lar reinforced concrete ( RC) columns, but there is not a clear picture on the failuremodes and fiber strain response of the FRPstrengthened RC circular columns. It has been investigated that the u ltmi ate strain condition of FRP changes obviously when the failure com es from ductility shear failure to flexural failure. The failuremode can be controlled when the u ltmi ate effective strain of FRP is lmi ited to a certain value. F iber strain for shear strength pred iction of the FRPstrength


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