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实验七十三__凝固点降低法测定摩尔质量(国外英文资料) Experiment 713 freezing point reduction method to determine the molar mass First, ask questions 1, what is a dilute solution? What are the properties of dilute solutions? Answer, non-volatile solute dissolved in a solvent, after its dilute solution of vapor pressure drop, higher boiling point, freezing point depression, osmotic pressure equivalent only related to the number of solute molecules and has nothing to do with the kinds of solute, the four properties known as the colligative properties of dilute solution. 2, use the freezing point method to determine what factors should be considered when choosing a solvent. Answer, first of all, can be a very good dissolved solute, when the solute in solution has the dissociation, associating, solvation, or the situation such as forming complexes is not applicable, generally applies only to strong electrolyte dilute solution. Second, the freezing point should not be too high or too low. It should be easily reached at room temperature. 3, experiment, in order to enhance the accuracy of the experiment, is available for increasing solution concentration to Δ T value? Why? A, no. The concentration of the solution is too large, the concentration is too small, the concentration of the solution will be reduced and the error will increase. In the experiment, why use the air jacket? How does it affect the outcome? How to control the degree of cold? Answer, prevent temperature drop too fast, make crystallization process easy to observe. Too cold too much influence the accuracy of experiment, cause error. Add the crystal or control the mixing speed. In the experiment, when you add the naphthalene, how do you affect the results of the experiment? Answer, make the concentration of solution cause error, cause measurement result is inaccurate. Why is the coagulation curve of pure and dilute solution different? Answer, in the coagulation of pure solvent composition is constant, so the temperature at which the


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