七年级(牛津版英语)-unit3-the earth.ppt

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七年级(牛津版英语)-unit3-the earth

* * Unit 3 The Earth Liu Fengli (Alicia) 每日一句:Keep on going never give up! 勇往直前,决不放弃! Unit3 The Earth Reading and Writing Part 1,Reading loudly and Writing the Words (大声朗读并默写课后单词) Part 2,Reading the phrase(朗读下面词组) 1. many different plants 许多不同种类的植物 2. on the land 在陆地上 3. in the sky 在空中 4. provide … with 提供给 5. make energy 制造能源 6. put … into 把……放进 7. under the ground 在地下 8. stop doing… 停止做…… 9. be covered by… 由……覆盖 Unit3 The Earth Reading the article loudly and answer the question (阅读课文回答问题) 1.what things are there on Earth? There are forests and rivers,mountains and fields. There are many different plants. There are differet animals on Earth too. There are also many people like you and me on Earth. Today,there is a lot of pollution. Unit3 The Earth 2.Whats the weather like in different places on Earth? Some places are very hot,and some are very cold. 3. Are the plants large or small? Yes, Some are large,Some are small. 4.What does the plants need? All plants need light and water. 5.Where do the animals live on Earth? Some live on the land, Some fly in the sky.Some live under the water. Unit3 The Earth 6.What does the Earth provide us with? The Earth provides us with air, water and food.It is our home. 7. Why do people burn things? We burn things to make energy. 8.Where do people put the rubbish? We put our rubbish into the sea and under the ground. Unit3 The Earth Discuss(讨论) There are many kinds of pollutiion in our life。 noise pollution air pollution land pollution water pollution How can we PROTECT the Eatrh?We must stop.... Polluting the air. killing the animals Polluting the land ...... Unit3 The Earth 1. There are forests and rivers, mountains and fields.(地球上)有森林和河流,山脉和田野。 【辨析】there be表示“某时/某地有某人/某物”,句型中be动词的形式要和其后的主语人称和数上保持一致。主语为单数的可数名词或不可数名词用“is”。主语为复数名词是用


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