使用Docking Container展示alv.docx

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使用Docking Container展示alv

目的:有时我们需要把container 放在任意角落,并可调整大小,例如,alv和选择屏幕都放在相同的屏幕上,为了实现这样的目的我们就需要用docking container介绍:我们都知道SAP Container是个 control,包含一些控件,例如,SAP Tree Control, SAP Picture Control, SAP Text edit Control, SAP Splitter Control等等,他集中地逻辑管理这些控件,并提供一个物理空间用于展示他们。所有的控件都依赖于一个container,因为这些container都是他们控制,你能嵌套他们,下面列举了5种SAP Containers:1、SAP Custom Container? ? The SAP Custom Container allows you to display controls in an area defined on a normal screen?? ? using the Screen Painter.? ? Class: CL_GUI_CUSTOM_CONTAINER2、 SAP?Dialog?Box Container? ? The SAP Dialog Box container allows you to display controls in an amodal dialog box or? ? fullscreen.? ? Class: CL_GUI_DIALOGBOX_CONTAINER3、SAP Docking Container? ? The SAP Docking Container allows you to attach a control to any of the four edges of a screen as? ? a resizable screen area. You can also detach it so that it becomes an??independent amodal? ???? ? dialog box.? ? Class: CL_GUI_DOCKING_CONTAINER4、SAP Splitter Container? ? The SAP Splitter Container allows you to display more than one control in a given area by? ???dividing it into cells.? ???Class: CL_GUI_SPLITTER_CONTAINER5、SAP Easy Splitter Container? ? The SAP Easy Splitter Container allows you to divide an area into two cells with a control in? ? each. The cells are separated by a moveable splitter bar.? ? Class: CL_GUI_EASY_SPLITTER_CONTAINER程序代码:TABLES: mara.*---------------------------------------------------------------------**? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?W O R K??A R E A S? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?**---------------------------------------------------------------------*DATA:*??Material Data? ?BEGIN OF wa_mara,? ???matnr? ? TYPE? ?mara-matnr,? ?? ?? ? Material No.? ???mtart? ? TYPE? ?mara-mtart,? ?? ?? ? Material Type? ???bismt? ? TYPE? ?mara-bismt,? ?? ?? ? Old material No.? ???matkl? ? TYPE? ?mara-matkl,? ?? ?? ? Material group? ???meins? ? TYPE? ?mara-meins,? ?? ?? ? Base Unit of Measure? ???brgew? ? TYPE? ?mara-brgew,? ?? ?? ? Gross Weight? ???ntgew? ? TYPE? ?mara-ntgew,? ?? ?? ? N


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