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* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Thanks!! 感谢! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Answer to Three Questions (JOL 7-12) What is the warmest place in the world? What is the most valuable thing in the world? What is the most powerful thing in the world? JOL 12-16 What would you do? If you could be invisible, what would you do? If you were at a friend’s house and you found a dead cockroach in a salad that his mom made, what would you do? SJE7-6 Can You Survive? 当你在野外迷路时该 怎么办?如何喝到干净 的水?如何觅食? 如何寻找可以暂时避难 之处? SJE7-7 The Roswell Incident 你相信外星人的存在吗? 你认为外星人曾经造访 地球吗?本文介绍美国 1947年Roswell小镇发生 的「外星人造访事件」, 对于这个事件,文章并没 有肯定的结论,但是提供 读者美国官方的说法和民 间的说法,事实真相为何 ?还是要读者自己判断。 SJE3 Unit 3 The Disappearing People 本文介绍南美亚马孙河流 域的一个Yanomamo族, 他们因为侵入者残酷的杀 戮或因为外来的病毒,族 群人数锐减,上一个世纪 的巴西,已经有近百个原 始部落消失了,Yanomamo会不会是下一个消失的族群? 杨恩典-跨越困境的能力 孩子除具备本土意识外,还要有国际宏观,佳音为明日的领袖人才铺路。 local concepts + global perspectives glocal leaders tomorrow Kids Today; Leaders Tomorrow 创新精神Spirit of Innovation Change + Challenge = Chance c.魔力信心卡Magic Cards 肯定自我的佳音人Build up self-esteem I’m cool! I’m super! I’m NO.1! I can make it! I’m cute! I’m great! I’m special! I won’t give up! I look good! I’m smart! Be happy! I’m a winner! Go for it! Just do it! To the top! Cheer up! Don’t hesitate! Go, go, go! Good job! I have a dream. I have good manners. I have hope. I have potential. I made it. I won. I’m the best. I’m a hero. I’m brilliant. I’m determined. I’m doing well. I’m excellent! I’m getting better! I’m lovely! I’m outstanding! I’m sure! I’m terrific! I’m wonderful! I’m unbeatable! Keep going! Keep it up! Never stop! I’ll conquer it! Well done! I’ll succeed! Go ahead! I’m courageous! I’m careful! I’m patient! I’m persistent! I’m polite! I’m friendly! I’m charming! I’m confident! I’m generous! Bravo! I work ha


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