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BBC Learning English – Q A of the Week About this script Please note that this is not a word for word transcript of the programme as broadcast. In the recording and editing process changes may have been made which may not be reflected here. 关于台词的备注 请注意这不是广播节目的逐字稿件。本文稿可能没有体现录制、编辑过程中对节目做 出的改变。 Received Pronunciation 标准发音 Insert Happy Christmas. 25 years ago my grandfather broadcast the first of these Christmas messages. Today is another landmark, because television has made it possible for many of you to see me in your homes on Christmas Day. Feifei: 以上是英国伊丽莎白女王在祝贺大家圣诞快乐。 Finn: A voice familiar to all British people. That broadcast comes from 1957. Feifei: 欢迎收听 《你问我答》,我是冯菲菲。 Finn: And I’m Finn. Today we’ll be hearing more from the Queen as we talk about a topic that is very popular with our audience: Received Pronunciation. Feifei: 标准发音 Received Pronunciation, 也就是我们常说的RP. 对于学习英语的朋友们来 说,有一个标准的发音来模仿,像标准的汉语普通话一样,在学习的时候相对就会容易 些。赵雨帆听友给我们发来了这样一个问题。 Insert Hello everyone, my name is Neil. I prefer the British accent and I am an English learner in China. Someone told me something about standard Received Pronunciation. I visited the podcast page of the BBC and downloaded some programmes but I’m still confused about which one is standard Received Pronunciation. And could you tell me something about which presenter should I copy in BBC programmes. Feifei: Whose accent should we be copying; yours, Will’s, mine, Helen’s, Yang Li’s, Diarmuid’s? Finn: Well I would say mine of course! No, seriously I think all of our presenters have beautiful, clear English voices and all of them are a good model. But do we speak RP? And what exactly does RP sound like? Feifei: 正如赵雨帆说的那样,BBC 的广播员们现在不都是像40,50 年代 播音员那样操有一口 标准发音。 Finn: Yes, in the old days all BBC announcers spoke RP. Insert This is London. You will now hear a statement by the


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