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One could interpret much of the work of Beethoven by saying that suffering is inevitable, but the courage to fight it renders life worth living. 可以这么解读贝多芬的大部分作品:苦难是不可避免的,但是与之抗争的勇气使得生活值得过下去。 Jennifer Medina and Tamar Lewin write that it is not uncommon for discussions now to “stretch from dusk to dawn, punctuated by tearful speeches and forceful shouting matches, with accusations of racism, colonialism and anti-Semitism.” 珍妮佛·麦迪娜和塔玛·勒温写到,现在的讨论常常“从早到晚,不时被含泪的演讲,有力的叫喊比赛和对种族主义、殖民主义以及反犹太主义的指控而打断。 珍妮佛·麦迪娜和塔玛·勒温写到,现在的讨论常常“从早到晚,时不时地穿插着含泪的演讲,有力的叫喊比赛和对种族主义、殖民主义以及反犹太主义的指控。 At the centre of these disputes are calls by campus activists for colleges to boycott Israeli businesses, owing to what they characterise as Israel’s unjust treatment of Palestinians. 这些争议的中心是校园积极分子们呼吁大学联合抵制以色列的企业,因为据他们描述,以色列不公正地对待巴勒斯坦人。 Critics of Israeli policy argue that the country denies basic human rights to millions of Palestinians on the West Bank and in Gaza, and sustains its occupation of Arab land with indiscriminate force. 批评以色列政策的评论家称以色列拒绝给予西岸和加沙地区数以百万计的巴勒斯坦人基本的人权,并且不分青红皂白地使用武力继续占领阿拉伯的土地。 Israel’s defenders say that the Palestinians are at least partially to blame for the impasse in the peace process, and they add that the BDS campaign singles out the world’s lone Jewish state for criticism when plenty of other countries, including many of Israel’s Arab neighbours, mete out more flagrant injustices. This selectivity, say BDS critics, smacks of anti-Semitism 而以色列的捍卫者则称和平进程的僵局至少应该部分归咎于巴勒斯坦人,他们还说在包括以色列的阿拉伯邻国们在内的很多其他国家,不公正更加明目张胆,而“联合抵制、撤资与制裁”运动(BDS) 单独挑出世界上唯一一个以色列国家加以抨击。BDS批评者认为这种选择性本身就含有反犹太主义的意味。 Claims that the BDS campaign is somehow misguided because its proponents are not troubled enough over the denial of the vote to 1.3 billion?Chinese people?or the sad state of women’s rights in Saudi Arabia are doubtful. 一方宣称“联合抵制、撤资与制裁”运动多少有些误入歧途,因为它的拥护者对于十三亿中国人没有投票权以及沙特阿拉伯可悲的女性权益现状不加关心。这种说法是值得质疑的。 At UCLA a Jewish student?almost lost a seat?on the student judicial board over concerns among fellow students


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