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* * * * * * * * FOUR SQUARE QUESTIONS! 四方块问题 这是一个富有哲理的智力游戏。特此翻译为中文,并推荐给大家。 * Look at the diagram carefully. Now, I will ask you FOUR questions about this square. Are you ready? 仔细瞧瞧左边这个图 现在让我来问您四个问题 准备好了吗? B A D C 4 Square Questions * Q Q 1 问题1 Divide the white area in square A into two equal pieces. Easy! Isnt it? 请把方块A中的白色区域分成大小和形状一样的两个部分。 很容易。是不是? B A D C 4 Square Questions * Q 1 Q 1 Divide the white area in square A into two equal pieces. Here is the answer! 答案就是这样简单! B A D C 4 Square Questions * Q 2 Q 2 Divide the white area in square B into three equal pieces. Not so difficult! 请把方块B中的白色区域分成大小和形状一样的三部分。 也不太难! B A D C 4 Square Questions * Q 2 Q 2 Divide the white area in square B into three equal pieces. Here is the answer! 答案就是这样 B A D C 4 Square Questions * Q 3 Q 3 Divide the white area in square C into four equal pieces. Very difficult? Thats right! 请把方块C中的白色区域分成大小和形状一样的四个部分。 很难?的确如此。 B A D C 4 Square Questions * Q 3 Q 3 Divide the white area in square C into four equal pieces. Heres the answer! 答案如绿线所示。 B A D C 4 Square Questions * Be ready! Here comes the last question! 准备好! 最后一个问题来了! B A D C 4 Square Questions * Q 4 Q 4 Divide the white area in square D into seven equal pieces. 请把方块D中的白色区域分成大小和形状一样的七个部分。 World Record is SEVEN seconds! 答出这个问题的最快世界纪录是七秒钟! B A D C 4 Square Questions * Q 4 Q 4 B A D C Divide the white area in square D into seven equal pieces. Any ideas? 有什么头绪吗? 4 Square Questions * Q 4 Q 4 B A D C Divide the white area in square D into seven equal pieces. Are you still puzzled? 是不是还在那儿绞尽脑汁,百思莫得其解? 4 Square Questions * Q 4 Q 4 B A D C Divide the white area in square D into seven equal pieces. Here’s the answer! 答案就在这里! 4 Square Questions * Q 4 Q 4 B A D C Divide the white area in square D into seven equal pieces. Was it really that tough? 这个问题真的那么难吗? 4 Square Questions * Q 4 Q 4 B A D C If you didnt get the answer, it was just that your mind was conditioned to seek a co



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