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歐亞學刊 International Journal of Eurasian Studies 新4 輯 (總第14 輯) 余太山 李錦繡主編 2016 目 錄     Hayashi Toshio Fire-steels in Eastern and Western Eurasia 劉瑞 公元前一千年前後中亞民族的遷徙——薩恩伊與維加里克墓地分期研究 達吾力江•葉爾哈力克 哈薩克草原青銅時代文化——比加澤-丹迪拜文化:兼論新疆博爾塔拉蒙古自治州阿敦喬魯 墓葬的文化性質 Luis A. García Moreno Crossroad States in Pre-Islamic times Yu Taishan Records Concerning the Hephthalites in Armenian Data 劉迎勝 《元史》卷三《宪宗紀》箋證之一 Aleksander Paroń Civitas on the move: The city and state by the nomads of northern Eurasia 馬小鶴 《圣喬治受難記》與《吉思咒》 林悟殊 霞浦抄本無題夷偈一首考釋 張小貴 李清波 莫高窟第158 窟圖像與祆教關係辨析 書評 劉可維 川本芳昭《東アジア古代における諸民族と国家》述評 拜根興 朴漢濟《大唐帝國的遺產:胡漢統合與多民族國家的形成》評介 Contents Hayashi Toshio Fire-steels in Eastern and Western Eurasia Liu Rui The Migration of Central Asian Nomads around 1000 BCE: A Chronological Study of the Saen Sayi Cemetery and the Uygarak Kurgans Dawul Yerhalik Begazy-Dandybay Culture on the Kazakh Steppe: On the Cultural Attributes of Aduun Chuluu Sites in Xinjiang Luis A. García Moreno Crossroad States in Pre-Islamic times Yu Taishan Records Concerning the Hephthalites in Armenian Data Liu Yingsheng Annotation to the Chronicle of Xianzong (宪宗) in the Third Volume of Yuanshi (Part I) Aleksander Paroń Civitas on the Move: The City and State by the Nomads of


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