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小型水库除险加固工程施工管理措施探究   摘要:水库主要作用是夏季拦截大量雨水用于防洪减灾,当降水减少的时候可以通过调节泄水量为下游提供灌溉、饮用水等方面的作用,在我国农业生产及经济建设方面有着极其重要的地位。然而我国大部分的中小型水库始建于上世纪六七十年代,当时国家经济比较困难建设资金少,建筑材料严重短缺,设计标准比较低,施工方法简单粗糙,造成这些中小型水库的先天不足,加大了后期维护加固的困难。如果这些中小型水库不能及时维修加固不能正常的运转工作可能会达不到泄洪的设计能力,甚至会出现溢坝、溃坝险情,对下游人民生命财产构成严重的威胁。因此本文通过对本类工程的施工特点,对除险加固工程施工管理进行浅析,供同类工程的施工管理提供参考。以促进病险水库工程建设项目的综合效益和社会效益的提高 Abstract: The main function of reservoir is to intercept a lot of rain in summer for flood control and disaster reduction, and provide irrigation and drinking water for the downstream by adjusting the amount of water discharge when there is little rain, so reservoir plays a very important role in China’s agricultural production and economic construction. However, most of our small and medium sized reservoirs were built in 1960s and 1970s, when Chinas economy was in economic difficulties and there was little construction funds and shortage of building materials, and the design standard was relatively low, and the construction method was simple and rough, resulting congenitally deficiency of these small reservoirs, which increased the difficulty of maintenance and reinforcement. If these small and medium-sized reservoirs can not be repaired in time and can not operate normally, they may fail to discharge, or even appear dam break danger, constituting a serious threat to people’s lives and property downstream. Therefore, based on the characteristics of the construction project, this paper analyzes the reinforcement engineering construction management, to provide reference for similar project, so as to promote the comprehensive benefits and social benefits of dangerous reservoir project construction projects. 关键词:小型水库;除险加固工程;施工管理 Key words: small reservoir;reinforcement engineering;construction management 中图分类号:TV697.3 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-4311(2017)16-0032-03 0 引言 随着我国社会经济建设步伐的加快,政府加快了城乡水利基础设施建设的速度。水库作为水利基础设施建设的重要部分,担负着城乡灌溉、防洪、发电、旅游和养殖等重要任务,在改善生态环境、促进城乡经济可持续发展方面发挥不可替代作用。目前,我国一些小型水库设施面临着使用年限长、管理不善、施工质量差等问题,水库除险加固工作的开展


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