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How many kinds of robots How many kinds of robots How many kinds of robots How many kinds of robots Choose any word from the following words and make a sentence. Robot, tidy, prepare, dangerous, memory, factory, housework, be different from, perform an operation. help…with do an experiment in space Listen to the text and decide if the statements are true or false. All the robots have computer memories in their bodies. Robots aren’t able to work by themselves. Home-help robots can help us with the homework. If everyone of us has a robot for study, we do not need to go to school at all. Robots can do very dangerous or difficult jobs. ordinary machine ordinary a. 普通的,平常的 = common, usual 普通人 What’s the difference between robots and ordinary machines? = How are robots different from ordinary machines? 我的网页和你的不同。 My homepage is different from yours. 上海的天气与纽约的天气有很多的不同之处。 The weather in Shanghai is different from that in New York. Robots have got computers to control them. 我有很多作业要做。 I have a lot of homework to do. Is that the best way to work out the problem. 那是解答这个问题的最好方法吗? If somebody has got a home-help robot, it can help him or her do jobs like tidying up rooms… Eg. If somebody has got a/an______ robot, it can help him or her ______________. like prep. 像…… 我们可以在网上做许多事情,像浏览网页,听音乐,看录像等。 We can do a lot of things on the Internet like visiting websites, listening to music, watching videos and so on. 不定代词是不指明代替任何特定名词或形容词的代词,英语中不定代词有: some(something,somebody,someone) any(anything,anybody,anyone), no(nothing,nobody,no one), every(everything,everybody,everyone), 由some构成的合成代词一般用于肯定句,由any构成的合成代词一般用于否定句和疑问句。 No不用于否定形式,在肯定句中出现表示否定 这些词作主语,动词一般用单数形式 1.在表示请求或建议,希望得到肯定回答的疑问句中,应用 some而不用 any, Would you please give me some paper? Would you like some sugar? 2.当any表示“任何”或“无论哪一个”的意义时,可用于肯定句, Any one will do. You may come at any time that is convenient to you. 3.形容词放在不定代词后面, I have nothing important to tell you.But there’s something interesting about them. I


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