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新概念第一册自学导读?Lessons27-28课文详注? Further notes on the text 1.Where are they?它们在哪里? 句中they指图中的那些东西。(可参见Lessons 25~26语法部分。) 2.数字9,999与10,001的英文写法 9,999nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine 10,001ten thousand and one 语法? Grammar in use 1.there+be结构(2) (1)there+be结构变成疑问句时,只需将动词be和there互换位 置,句子其余部分不变。如: Is there a dirty fork on the plate? 碟子上有一个脏的叉子吗? Is there a full bottle in the cupboard? 橱柜里有一瓶酒吗? Are there any ties on the floor? 地上有一些领带吗? Are there any newspapers on the shelf? 架子上有些报纸吗? (2)there+be结构变成否定句时,需在动词be后加not(any)或no。如: No, there is not a fork on the plate. 没有,碟子上没有叉子。 No, there isnt one in the cupboard. 没有,橱柜里一个也没有。 No, there arent any ties on the floor. 没有,地板上没有任何领带。 No, there are no newspapers on the shelf. 没有,架子上没有任何报纸。 2.some和any的用法 在英语中,some和any是两个最常用的数量词。用some和any时,一般不必精确地说明数量到底有多么大或多么小。它们的作用常常像是a/an的复数。 (1)some(表示确定的数量)表示“某些但不是全部”的意思,通常用于肯定句中。在疑问句中,所希望的回答是Yes时也可使用some。如: There is some water in the glass. 玻璃杯里有些水。 There are some cigarettes in the box. 盒子里有些雪茄。 Have you got some paper-clips in that box? 你那只盒子里有一些回形针吧?(我知道或我认为你有一些,故希望你会说“有”。) some加可数名词或不可数名词时,在流畅的话语中一般不重读,而念为/s+m/。 (2)any(表示不确定的数量)通常用在含有not或-nt的否定句中,也用于表示我们不能确定答案是肯定还是否定,或者用于预料得到的回答是No的疑问句中。如: There are not any spoons in the cupboard. 橱柜中没有任何汤匙。 There arent any plates on the dressing table. 梳妆台上任何碟子都没有。 [NextPage] 词汇学习? Word study near? adj. (1)靠近的,接近的: The television is near the window. 电视机在窗户旁边。 There are some shoes on the floor. Theyre near the bed. 地板上有些鞋子。它们在床附近。 (2)关系接近的,亲近的: She is a near friend of mine. 她是我的一位密友。 My? uncle is my nearest relative. 我叔叔是我血缘最近的亲戚。 (3)近似的;几乎是的: The picture may not be an exact replica but its pretty near. 这幅画也许不是一件一模一样的复制品,但它已酷似原作了。 [NextPage] 练习答案? Key to written exercises Lesson 28 A 1? There are some pencils on the desk. 2? There are some knives near that tin. 3? There are some policemen in the kitchen. 4? There are some newspapers in the living room. 5? There are some keyboard operators in the o


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