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* Time:01:30am,Sep26,2013 Location : Hong Kong (HKG) International Airport 6. Gathering fordeparture Meng Qiu Yu (Cellphone: 7. Tour leader 8Days(Sep26,2013—Oct03,2013 5. Duration Hong Kong- Mauritius - Seven Color Earth- Trou aux Cerfs- Port Louis- Botanical garden –Notre Dame Auxiliatrice 4. Route 16 3. Tourist number CITS 2. Travel agency AAESWC-11150 1. Tour code Mauritius Visit Free activities and Fly to Hong Kong; Flight No:MK640 Mauritius -- Hong Kong Oct3 Visit the church Botanical garden --Notre Dame Auxiliatrice Oct2 Visit a variety of exotic plants Port Louis -- Botanical garden Oct1 Visit the ports and construction Trou aux Cerfs -- Port Louis Sep30 Visit the volcano Seven Color Earth -- Trou aux Cerfs Sep29 Visit the natural landscape Mauritius -- Seven Color Earth Sep28 Free activities Mauritius -- Sep27 Fly to Mauritius ; Flight No:MK641 Hong Kong -- Mauritius Sep26 Activities Destinations Dates Itinerary Mauritian Economy rests on four main pillars: tourism; sugar; textiles and the services sector Economy 1.2million ,including Rodrigues and the outer islands . Population 2,040 square kilometres Area Latitude 20°south of the equator , longitude 57.5°east Location Port Louis Capital The Republic of Mauritius Mauritius is a melting pot of cultures. Hinduism, Christianity, Islam and Buddhism co-exist peacefully 。 Religion English is the official language 。 Language 红顶教堂 植物园 Botanical garden Port Louis 路易港 Port Louis is the capital of the countrys largest city, but also the political, economic and cultural center, with 0.14 million residents.?Port Louis is surrounded by mountains, beautiful scenery, is a natural harbor, is located in the South Atlantic and Indian Ocean channel between the hub.?Navigation in the Suez Canal before, here is the navigation around the Cap


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