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Azure Clouds Temple --(Bi Xia Temple) --Chen Yan (陈 燕) Bixia Yuanjun 碧霞元君又称“泰山玉女”,民间俗称为“泰山奶奶”。道教认为碧霞元君乃应九炁(气)而生,受玉帝之命,证位天仙,统摄岳府之神兵天将,并照察人间一切善恶之事。道教所奉女仙尊神之一。 Bixia Yuanjun is also known as the Heavenly Jade Maiden (Chinese: 天仙玉女) ,and it is also known as the Empress of Mount Tai (Chinese: 泰山娘娘). Taoism believe that Bixia Yuanjun was born in responce to the Nine air(道教术语:九气),she was ordered by the Jade Emperor to charge the deity of general and supervise the good and evil in the private society.She is respected as one of the goddess by Taoism. Bixia Yuanjun 民间信仰 在我国的北方地区,民众对碧霞元君的 信仰极盛,信徒以之为奉神,祷之即应。 民间传说的碧霞元君更神通广大,能保 佑农耕、经商、旅行、婚姻,能疗病救人,尤其能使妇女生子,儿童无恙。故旧时妇女信仰碧霞元君特别虔诚,不仅在泰山有庙,在各地也建有许多“娘娘庙”。这种信仰至今仍很兴旺,人们仍不辞劳苦登上泰山绝顶,许愿还愿,向其祈祷,香火不断。 In the nouth of China, Bixia yuanjun is very popular and win great respect In the private sector. Believers respect her as goddess and the goddess will realize all they pray. Accroding to the lengeds, Bixia Yuanjun is omnipotent,she can protect farming, business, travels, marriage, and can cure the sickness and save the patients,especilly help young women give birth to childen and keep childen healthy. This kind of belief is very popular till now. Bixia Yuanjun was much respected and loved by people with the continuing incense in Bixia Temple . Bixia Yuanjun 诞辰 碧霞元君的圣诞为农历的四月十八日, 一说农历的三月十五日,是时泰山碧 霞祠和供奉碧霞元君的庙观均要举行 隆重的庆典。 Birthdate It is said that Bixia Yuanjun was born in the 18th of thefourth lunar month, another is said that the 15th of the third lunar month. Mountain Tai s Bixia Temple and other temples which enshrine Bixia Yuanjun will hold great ceremony to celebtate the bith. 碧霞元君其诞生年代和身世自古说法 不一,有凡女得道说、黄帝玉女说、 华山玉女说等等。 Azure Clouds Temple 碧霞祠位于泰山极顶南侧,初建于1009年(宋真宗大中祥符二年)。原名昭真祠,金代称昭真观,1488--1505年(明弘治年间)改名碧霞灵应宫,又称碧霞灵佑宫,1770年(清乾隆三十五年)重修后改称碧霞祠,沿用至今。 Azure Clouds Temple The Bi Xia Temple is located in the south of the top of mountain Tai , which was first buit in 100


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