环境专业英语 02_population.pptx

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环境专业英语 02_population

Unit 2;Welcome to a very full world, Danica: the worlds 7 billionth baby;As of 15 February 2012, the world population is estimated by the United States Census Bureau to be 6.994 billion.;Shanghai 14,608,512 China Buenos Aires 13,076,300 Argentina Mumbai 12,691,836 India Karachi 11,624,219 Pakistan Mexico City 11,285,654 Mexico;What is the reason for rapid population growth?;The crisis of population expansion;Resource Shortage;Resources;Resources;Resources;Resources;Renewable resources can be replenished or reproduced relatively quickly. The highest rate at which a resource can be used sustainably is the sustainable yield. Some resources, like sunlight, air, and wind, are called perpetual resources because they are available continuously, though at a limited rate. Their quantity is not affected by human consumption. Many renewable resources can be depleted by human use, but may also be replenished, thus maintaining a flow. Some of these, like agricultural crops, take a short time for renewal; others, like water, take a comparatively longer time, while still others, like forests, take even longer.; Characteristics of Natural Resources of China;Environmental carrying capacity;Easter Island has been cited as an example of a human population crash. When fewer than 100 humans first arrived, the island was covered with trees with a large variety of food types. In 1722, the island was visited by Jacob Roggeveen, who estimated a population of 2000 to 3000 inhabitants with very few trees, a rich soil, good climate and all the county was under cultivation. Half a century later, it was described as a poor land and largely uncultivated. The ecological collapse which followed has been variously attributed to overpopulation, slave traders, European diseases (including a smallpox epidemic which killed so many so quickly, the dead were left unburied and a tuberculosis epidemic which wiped out a quarter of the population), social upheaval and invasive species (such as the Po


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