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天津职业技术师范大学 Tianjin University of Technology and Education 毕 业 论 文 专 业: 应用电子技术教育 班级学号: 应电0914 – 04 学生姓名: 卢四女 指导教师: 高凤友 教授 二〇一四年六月 天津职业技术师范大学本科生毕业论文 自动化洗衣机设计 Automatic washing machine design 专业班级:应电0914班 学生姓名:卢四女 指导教师:高凤友 教授 学 院:电子工程学院 2014 年 6 月 摘 要 随着科学技术的不断发展,越来越多的领域已经迈向全自动化。以前的洗衣机是双桶的,一个桶用来洗衣服,一个桶用来甩干衣服,而现在的洗衣机一个桶就全部搞定,完成清洁工作,洗衣完成之后提醒用户。 用AT89S52芯片为核心设计的全自动化洗衣机实现了对洗衣机整个洗衣过程的控制,把衣服放入洗衣机内,加入洗涤剂,此时开启洗衣机,首先根据衣服的多少设定水位的高度,按照正常的洗衣时间设置洗涤时间、漂洗时间以及脱水时间,当然如果用户的衣服在正常容量之内,或者不是太脏的情况下可以使用系统默认的洗涤、漂洗、脱水时间。洗衣完成后报警模块报警,提示用户衣服已经洗好,等待用户的下一步操作,如果感觉衣服没有很好的洗涤,或者是时间设置的太短,可以重复操作再一次清洗,直至用户满意。控制系统主要由单片机主控制电路和外部控制电路组成。单片机的主控制系统负责洗衣机的工作过程,是由AT89S52单片机来完成,外部硬件分别有12864液晶显示、键盘、蜂鸣器、电机、LED灯、继电器、等电路组成。 关键词:AT89S52、12864液晶、电机、继电器、蜂鸣器、控制系统 ABSTRACT With the continuous development of science and technology, more and more areas have towards full automation.Especially now the washing machine is more and more highly automated, just need to put clothes in a washing machine, then simply press the two buttons can be washing the clothes, cleaning after there will be a voice to prompt the user, the user can do something else in the process of laundry, saves labor, and save time. Use AT89S52 chip as the core design of full automatic washing machine realizes the control of the whole process of laundry washing machine, put the clothes into the washing machine, add detergent, open washing machine right now, first of all, based on what clothes to set the height of the water level, according to the set time normal laundry washing time, rinse and drying time, of course, if the users clothes within normal capacity, or not too dirty you can use the system default under the condition of washing, rinsing, drying time.Laundry after the completion of the alarm module alarm, prompting the user clothes have been ready, waiting for the next step in the user operation, if the feeling does not have a good washing clothes, or is set too short of time, can repeat operation again clean, until


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