英国 斯威夫特.ppt

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英国 斯威夫特

Jonathan Swift an Anglo-Irish satirist. one of the greatest masters of English prose. one of the most impassioned satirists of human folly(愚蠢) and pretension(自负). 2016-3-25 Life Experience 1667,born in Dublin, Ireland. 1681-88,educated at Trinity College in Dublin. 1688,secretary of Sir William Temple. 1697, The Battle of the Books 1704, A Tale of a Tub. Trinity College 剑桥大学三一学院 剑桥大学三一学院(Trinity College, Cambridge)是剑桥大学中规模最大、财力最雄厚、名声最响亮的学院之一,拥有约600名大学生,300名研究生和180名教授。同时,它拥有全剑桥大学中最优美的建筑与庭院。 优秀毕业生代表: 牛顿、培根、丁尼生等人 1710, a member of the more conservative Tory party. 1713,appointed dean of Saint Patricks Cathedral in Dublin. 1726, Gullivers Travels. 1745, died after a period of mental decay 智力衰退. Major Works 1.The Battle of the Books 《书籍之战》 2.A Tale of a Tub 《桶的故事》 3.A Modest Proposal (more powerful) 《一个温和的建议》 4.The Examiner 《考察者》 5.The Drapier’s Letters 《专培儿之信》 6.Gulliver’s Travels (his greatest satiric work) 《格列佛游记》 Major Works A Tale of a Tub《桶的故事》 A parable(寓言): a simple story illustrating a moral or religious lesson. Three sons: Peter →Roman Catholic [k?θl?k] Church Martin →Church of England John →the dissenters/ Puritans. (about religion) A Modest Proposal Form: political pamphlet. Proposal: the poverty of the Irish people should be relieved by the sale of their children as food for the rich. Thesis: a most heartbreaking piece of sarcasm that fiery indignation has given and a most powerful blow at the English government’s policy of exploitation and oppression in Ireland. Selected passage: I have been assured by a very knowing American of my acquaintance in London, that a young healthy child well nursed is at a year old a most delicious, nourishing, and wholesome food, whether stewed, roasted, baked, or boiled; and I make no doubt that it will equally serve in a fricassee酱汁炖肉or a ragout [r?ɡu?]蔬菜炖肉. Exercise 1: Jonathan Swift is a master satirist in English literature. His A Tale of a Tub is an attack on _____. the government B. greed C. the c


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