英国节日之Boxing Day(节礼日).ppt

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英国节日之Boxing Day(节礼日)

Boxing Day 1205104—15 赵洋 Boxing Day is traditionally the day following Christmas Day, when servants and tradesmen would receive gifts, known as a Christmas box, from their bosses or employers.[1] Today, Boxing Day is the bank holiday that generally takes place on 26 December. It is observed in the United Kingdom, Canada, Hong Kong, Australia, New Zealand, Kenya, South Africa, Guyana, Trinidad and Tobago and other Commonwealth nations as well as Norway, France and Sweden. In South Africa, Boxing Day was renamed Day of Goodwill in 1994. In Ireland, Italy and Finland, the day is known as St. Stephens Day (Irish: Lá Fhéile Stiofáin) or the Day of the Wren (Irish: Lá an Dreoilín). In many European countries, including notably Germany, Poland, the Netherlands and those in Scandinavia, 26 December is celebrated as the Second Christmas Day The Origins of Boxing Day Boxing Day is on December 26th, the day after Christmas, and is celebrated in Great Britain and in most areas settled by the English (the U.S. is an exception), including Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. While the exact origins of the holiday are obscure, it is likely that Boxing Day began in England during the Middle Ages Some historians say the holiday developed because servants were required to work on Christmas Day, but took the following day off. As servants prepared to leave to visit their families, their employers would present them with gift boxes.? Still some believe, centuries ago, on the day after Christmas, members of the merchant class would give boxes containing food and fruit, clothing, or money to trades people and servants. The gifts were an expression of gratitude, much like when people receive bonuses from their employer for a job well done, today. These gifts, given in boxes, gave the holiday its name, Boxing Day.? Shopping As time went by, Boxing Day gift-giving expanded to include those who had rendered a service during the previous year. This tradition survives today as people


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