英语2 CYII Being Honest.ppt

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英语2 CYII Being Honest

Work in groups to figure out the best title for the passage and write it in the box on Page 62. Work in pairs and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). Give your reasons. Choose the best answer to complete each of the sentences. Fill in the blanks with the given words, changing the forms where necessary. “Honesty is the best policy.”? Write a short passage on this topic. You may use the quotations in Task 3 of Comprehending. For fun Little Washington cut down the cherry tree with his hatechet. 《匹诺曹》又称《木偶奇遇记》 The Adventures of Pinocchio Pinocchio is known for having a long nose that becomes longer when he is under stress, especially while telling a lie . I cannot tell a lie, father, you know I cannot tell a lie! I did cut it with my little hatchet. Honesty is the best policy. Period 1 What is “honesty”? Which of the following means “honesty” to you? Give your own answer if none of them matches your definition. Guess the meaning of each of the underlined words in the following paragraph. a paper boy The following pictures tell a story about a little boy who once did something wrong to an old lady. Arrange them in order according to what you think. Read through to decide the main idea. Work in pairs and answer the following questions in complete sentences. At the sound of the broken glass, the little boy ran away quickly from the old lady’s yard. The little boy made up his mind that he would save some delivery money and try to cover the cost of the old lady’s glass. And he would admit his fault. I think he was an honest boy. He can finally admit his own fault and apologize to the old lady and try to take some action to amend though he ran away at first. I really felt guilty for myself and how I expected that the old lady could forgive me. By saying “I’m proud of you” the old lady meant that she though the little boy wan an honest boy and she would forgive him. She is a kind, considerate, generous and respectable old lady. Read the follo


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