英语专业泛读unit 3 Food Fight 1.ppt

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英语专业泛读unit 3 Food Fight 1

II. Author Jeffrey Kluger is a senior writer at Time magazine, covering science in general and the space program in particular and author of several books on science topics including Splendid Solution: Jonas Salk and the Conquest of Polio; Simplexity; Journey Beyond Selene; and Lost Moon: The Perilous Voyage of Apollo 13, which served as the basis of the 1995 movie, Apollo 13. Genetically Modified Food (GMF) – Food made by reweaving the genes of countless fruits and vegetables or by taking a gene from one plant or animal putting it in another 转基因食品 – 是利用现代分子生物技术,将某些生物的基因转移到其他物种中去,改造生物的遗传物质,使其在形状、营养品质、消费品质等方面向人们所需要的目标转变。以转基因生物为直接食品或为原料加工生产的食品就是“转基因食品”。 GM tomato produced by Monsanto Company first appeared in America in 1994 Types of genetically modified crops Sample GM products Roundup 农达就是41%的草甘膦!农达(Roundup)41%水剂,是美国孟山都公司研制并全球性开发的一种非选择性、无残留的苗后除草剂,通过植物叶片和非木质化的茎杆吸收、传导到植物全株各部位,对多年生宿根性杂草,以及各种一年生和越年生的禾木科、莎草科和阔叶杂草、小灌木等,都有优异的防除效果。   农达作为一种灭生性、内吸传导型的茎叶处理除草剂,可以在农作物播种或移栽之前,直接喷雾于确定的作物区、非作物区和水域除草,也可以利用作物和杂草之间的高度差异、出土展叶期差异以及某些生物形态结构的差异,有选择地从作物中除去不同的杂草 Benelux Benelux – Benelux Economic Union (1948年签约成立的)比荷卢经济联盟 Benelux Economic Union European Community European Union Wall Street Wall Street – is the banking center of New York City and the financial centre of America. New York Stock Exchange (纽约证券交易所) is situated on this street. The statue of the copper bull in front of the New York Stock Exchange symbolizes bull market. III. Structure of the Text Part I (para. 1-2) – protest against the McDonald’s food in France and reasons Part II (para. 3-7) – Popularity of GM food and causes Part III (para. 8-14) – Bad effects of GM food food fight between E.U. U.S. Part IV (last para.) – Conclusion: Consumers’ attitudes determine the popularity of the GM food Food Fight Unit 3 转基因食


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