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SBⅠ Module 1 My First Day at Senior High 重点词语讲解 1. enthusiastic adj. 热情的 He is enthusiastic about helping others. 他热心助人。 He doesnt know much about the subject, but hes very enthusiastic. 他对这事所知不多, 但却极感兴趣。 His idea received an enthusiastic response.他的想法获得热烈的响应。 2. amaze vt. 使惊异; 使惊奇使吃惊 mazed adj. 感到惊讶的amazing adj. 令人惊异的Her knowledge amazes me. 她的学识令我吃惊。It amazed me to learn that he had been promoted.得知他已晋升使我惊奇。 We were amazed that he refused to help us.他拒绝帮助我们,我们感到惊讶。 His amazing intelligence led him to make many discoveries. 他惊人的智力使他有很多发现。instruction n.指示命令[pl.]用法说明;操作指南;(输入计算机的)指令 The doctors instructions must be fulfilled exactly.医生的指示必须严格遵行。The teacher gave them instructions to arrive early tomorrow morning. 老师命令他们明天早晨要早到。 Be sure to follow your teacher’s instructions while doing an experiment. 做实验时务必按照老师的话去做。 Before you take the medicine, you should read the instructions on the bottle carefully. 在服药之前,你应当仔细看药瓶上的用法说明。 4. method n.方法; 办法条理; 秩序【注意】 method的方法其后可接of短语,不接不定式。Our teacher is showing us a new method of writing.老师告诉我们一种书写的新方法。If you had used more method, you wouldnt have wasted so much time. 要是你安排得更有条理些,就不会浪费那么多时间了。bore vt. 烦扰,使厌烦 bored adj. 厌烦的 boring adj.令人厌烦的 The long speech bored us all. 那冗长的演讲使我们都感到厌烦。He always bores her with the same story. 他总是重复同样的故事使她觉得厌烦。I’m bored by history dates, battles and the like. 我让历史书上的日期、战争之类的事给烦透了。 It is boring to listen to the same story. 听相同的故事是令人厌烦的。 His long boring story made me yawn. 他的冗长的故事听得我直打呵欠。 6. embarrass vt. 使窘迫; 使局促不安; 使尴尬; 使感到拮据 embarrassed adj. 感到为难的 embarrassing adj.令人困窘的; 令人为难的 She was embarrassed when they kept telling her how clever she was. 他们不停地说她聪明,令她感到不好意思。 A large family embarrassed him.他子女多, 这使他经济拮据。I was embarrassed, because I had no idea.我因为没有主意而不知如何是好。 I dont like making speeches in public; its so embarrassing. 我不喜欢在公开场合演说,太难为情了。 7. attitude n.姿势; 态度; 看法; 姿势 take a correct attitude towards… 对…抱正确态度 What I was surprised at was his attitude towards his stu


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