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* * Analysis of the Test Paper Teaching objectives: In this class, you will be able to 1. master some skills for cloze tests. 2. apply the skills to practical use. 3. display your teamwork ability. What is your problem when coping with cloze tests? Problems in cloze tests: 1. 词汇、词组缺乏 2. 长难句不会分析 3. 不能正确把握文章主旨 4. 难以排除迷惑项 How can we solve the problems? 做完形填空,先完意,后完形。 意(整体):main point, fact, opinion, attitude 形(细节): 1.上下文语境和逻辑 2.上下文重现信息 3.词义辨析和固定搭配 4.文化背景和常识 先完意 The structure of the passage: *the main point *the definition and present situation *conclusion * benefits on health Para.1 Para.2 Para.3 Para.4 Para.5 Para.6 *the characteristic of gratitude * the way to be grateful Four skills (四种常用的方法): 1、context and logic (上下文语境和逻辑) 2、 information given in the passage (上下文的复现信息) 3、word distinctions or collocations (词语辨析和固定搭配) 4、cultural background and common sense (文化背景和常识) 本次考试中,得分低的题:41、42、44、46-50、52、57 先完意 Para.3: benefits of gratitude on health If true, there would be a disturbing 46 trend. 46. A. health 后完形 1.上下文语境和逻辑(context and logic) 43However ,this understanding of our reliance on others is becoming more 44 today. With commercial and social media, everything makes the younger generation feel that they are the 45center of the universe. If it’s all about them, why thank others? 44. B. difficult It is ____ for younger generation to understand our reliance on others and be thankful to others. If true, there would be a disturbing 46.health trend. 后完形 1.上下文语境和逻辑(context and logic) Gratitude tends to be easily spread, as well… One study found that when someone is thanked. It more than doubles his or her chances of being 50 again, likely because he or she enjoys feeling socially 51 . 50. C. helpful It more than doubles his or her chances of being ________ again. 51. A. valued thanked thanked


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