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Reducing Electricity Cost through Use of Premium Efficiency Motors Guillermo J. Costa Management Summary A report published in 1998 by the U.S. Department of Energy showed that electric motor applications consume ap- proximately 679 billion kilowatt-hours, i.e.—63% of all electricity used by U.S. industry. The Department of Energy report also revealed that the electrical consumption of these industrial motors could be reduced by up to 18 percent if “proven efficiency technologies and practices” were applied by businesses. Thus, efforts directed toward the re- placement of standard industrial motors with premium efficiency counterparts presents businesses with a significant opportunity to reduce operating costs. A comparison between premium and standard efficiency motors from 0.25 to 10 horsepower is conducted; comparisons of full-load efficiencies are shown, and estimated payback periods are cal- culated. Methods for calculating the yearly kilowatt-hour consumption and yearly cost savings of premium efficiency motors for this horsepower range are also given. The cost advantages of premium efficiency motors are summarized, and relevant examples of real world cost savings are shown. The need for energy efficiency con- the part of businesses that increase the many cases, switching to premium effi- tinues to become increasingly impor- overall efficiencies of their operations ciency motors is all a business needs to tant in various industries as energy gain increasing relevance. Of course, recoup cost savings that are worth sev- costs continue to rise and competitive seeking a profit advantage over com- eral times the cost of the


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