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2 0 0 8 6 J OU R NA L OF T H E CH IN A RA IL WA Y SO CI ET Y June 200 8
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吴积钦, 钱清泉
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Thermal Analysis of Arc Erosion of Contact Wire
of the Pantograph Catenary System
WU Jiqin, QIA N Q ingquan
( Sch ool of El ect rical Engin eering , S out hw es t Jiaot on g U nivers ity , Chengdu 6 10031, Chin a
Abstract: A rcing is t he phenomenon of sliding and curr ent co llect io n in t he pant og raph cat enary syst em . A rc
maint ains durat ive current col lectio n by t he elect ric t ract ion tr ain , how ever , t hey ero de t he pant ogr aph cat e
nary sy st em and pro duce elect rom agnet ic int erference t o t he enviro nm ent. T he arc erosio n model is est ablished
on t he basis o f the tr ansient heat co nduct io n t heo ry. T he relat io n bet w een t em perat ur e and t ime and t hat be
t w een temperat ure and t ime is deduced by calculat io n of heat co nduct io n. P rogr am ming is com plet ed in the
MAT L A B enviro nment. T herm al pro cesses of cont act w ire are sim ulat ed and calculated under t he hespect ive
condit ions o f heat f low s of st at ic arc and mo ving ar c. T he result s indicat e t hat elect ric ero sion of contact w ire by
st atic arc and moving arc varies f rom one anot her . St atic arc can m ake t he copper contact w ire sur face m elt in a
very short tim e. Elect ric ero sion by mov ing ar c varies w it h ar c speed . T he higher t he speed of t he elect ric t rac
t ion t rain , t he slig hter the elect ric erosio
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