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  2007 11 13 11               Prev Med T rib, Vol.13, No.11, Nov.2007  ·969 · 【  】 龙岩市人感染高致病性禽流感高危人群防护行为与防治知识调查 何春荣,吴水新, 阎建平 (福建省龙岩市疾病预防控制中心,福建 龙岩 364000) :R511     :A     :1672-9153(2007)11-0969-03   :[目的] (), 。[方法] 2006 9~ 11 , 7 1 。[结果]350 、, 、 67.14%, 86.00%。235 , 21.70%。, 262 35.88%, 220 18.64%, 82 62.20%, 880.00%。 564 、, 19.22%。 298 , 1 、43.96%。720 , 、8.06%, 94.58%, 。720 , 、、 、、80%, 21.70%~71.11%;90.28% 。[结论] , , 。 :;;; Investigationon Protecting Behavior andPreventionandControl Knowledge among High RiskPopulation of HumanIn- fection of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza/HE Chun-rong, WU Shui-xin, YA N J ian-p ing.(Longy an Center f or Dis- ease Control and Prevention,Longy an, 364000, uj ian, China) Abstract:[ bjective] To understand the Protecting Behavior, Prevention and Control nowledge among High Risk Population of Human Infection of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza, provide scientific basis for control and prevention. [Methods]Investigation was conducted among workers from 7 big chicken feeding lots and 1 poultry processing workshop from September to November 2006.[ Results] Among 350 poultry raisers, slaughters and veterinarians investigated, 67.14%of them wore work clothes, gauze masks while working.86%of them washed hands after working.Among 235 workers who were wearing gauze masks, 21.70%of them changed or cleaned the gauze masks.35.88% of the poultry raisers (262), 18.64% of the chicken handlers (220), 62.2% of the internal organ cleaners (82)and 0.00% of the slaughters and veterinarians wore rubber gloves while working.Among 564 poultry raisers, internal organ cleaners and veterinarians investigated, 9.22%of them worked without any protecting measures with skin damage


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