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, Journal ofAnhuiAgr.i Sci. 2010, 38( 31) : 17836- 17837, 17841 刘月娟 卢瑶 * 庞凤仙, 崔彦如, 张永锋 , 郗登宝 (, 130033) [目的]优选秸秆反应堆作为 一种北方寒冷地区 气池增温方法的工艺参数[方法]以秸秆粒度菌剂量温度料液比为试验 3 参数, 进行正交试验[结果] 当秸秆粒度 1mm, 菌剂量 0. 5%, 温度 55 , 料液比 11时, 单位容积产气率最高, 达到 1. 1m /d[结论] 采用秸秆反应堆覆盖 气池, 不仅起到物理保温作用, 而且将达到最佳发酵温度的秸秆加入 气池中, 可提高 气池冬季产气量 北方寒冷地区; 秸秆反应堆; 气池产气量 S216. 4 A 0517- 6611( 2010) 31- 17836- 02 Research on Increasing Temperature of BiogasPits in Cold North China PANG Fengxian et al ( Rural En rgy R s arch Institut, Jilin A cad my ofA gricultural Sci nc s, Changchun, Jilin 130033) Abstract [ Obj ctiv ] Th r s arch ami d to optmi iz th param t rs of t mp ratur incr as m thod of straw f rm ntation ( SFM ) of biogas in th cold north Ch ina in w int r. [M thod]T h param t rs of th orthogonal t st was straw l ngth, multip l m icrob cont nt, t mp ratur , 3 and solid/ liquid ratio. [ R sult] Th biogas y i ld could r ach up to 1. 1 m /d, wh n straw l ngth was 1mm, multipl m icrob cont nt w as 0. 5% , t mp ratur w as 55 , solid/ liquid ratiowas 11. [ Conclusion] SFM t chniqu was not only an ff ctiv way to incr as th t mp ra tur of biogas pits, but also could incr as biogas y i ld w ith optmi iz d proc ss condition of SFM in w int r. Key ords Cold north Ch ina; Straw f rm ntation ( SFM); Biogas yi ld [ 1- 2] , , , , , , 1 [ 3] , Fig. 1 Flo of the stra reactor process [ 4] , LA l O ( 60~ 80), : 0. 210. 0; 1 2 3 , , 20 m l/m in; 40m 1/m in;


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