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Vol. 33 No. 2 ( ) 200704 Journal of East China University of Science and echnology ( Natural Science Edition) 267 :2007) PID PCR 徐 平, 余 威, 王健桦, 姚骏恩 ( 北京航空航天大学理学院, 北京 100083) : 介绍了一种采用自校正模糊PID 制算法的PCR 芯片实验室温度 制系统该系统 将模糊推理 制与PID 制相结合, 利用 PCR 芯片上溅射的Pt 电阻获取温度信号, 通过PID 精 确输出 制在芯片背面直接制备的微加热器和外加的半导体致冷器件, 实现了PCR 芯片的高精度 快速变温 制, 可用于近场光学显微镜实时探测PCR 扩增反应过程中荧光信号的近场分布, 为实 现高灵敏度DNA 定量检测提供了必要条件 : PCR 芯片; 自校正模糊 制; PID 制; 近场光学显微镜 : P273 :A Application of the Selftuning FuzzyPID Control in PCR Microchip Temperature Controller X U Ping , YU Wei, WAN G Jianhua, YA O Junen (S chool of Science, Beij ing Univ ersity of A eronautics an A stronautics, Beij ing 100083, China) Abstract: A selftuning temperature control system based on fuzzyPID control for PCR microchip is introduced. he platinum microheater and microsensor were deposited on the backside of silicon chip by sputtering techniques. he cooling process is controlled by semiconductor device. he fuzzyPID controller combines fuzzy rule control with PID precise output. he experiment results show the system has high control precision in fast temperature control for integrated PCR microchip. It can be used in nearfield fluo rescence detection on scanning nearfield optical microscope. Key ords: PCR microchip; selftuning fuzzy control; PID control; scanning nearfield optical micro scope PCR(Polymerase Chain Reaction) [ 1] PCR PCR , , PCR , , , , [ 3~ 4] PCR , PCR , PCR [ 2] DNA ,



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