四年级上册unit5 2nd.ppt

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四年级上册unit5 2nd

2nd period Warming Up Stop Game 当听到老师说 STOP 时,停下 并 拼出刚说完的那个数字对应的英文。 Catching Fish 老师所说与所做相同,跟着做,然后把数字对应的英文拼出来。 老师所说与所做不相同,坐端正。 Presentation Practice Situation -- Cool Weather 天气转凉了。我想到天河城买衣服。 买什么好呢? Sound Game T-shirt T恤 shirt 衬衣 skirt 裙子 dress 连衣裙 blouse 女式衬衣 sweater 毛衣 jacket 夹克 coat 大衣 Guessing Game Summary 人民币 yuan,不可数;英镑 pound,可数 几百 和 十 加个and 208, 315, 524, 845 Situation 天河城的衣服太贵了。我只有800元。可我想买三件衣物。你有好的推荐吗? A: … (衣物) Ss: How much is it? A: It’s … yuan / pounds. T: What’s …, … and …? B: …, … and … is … Development Master Maths 小组合作,组类似的对话。 A: … (衣物) B, C, D: How much is it? A: It’s … yuan / pounds. B: What’s …, … and …? C: …, … and … is … Exercise 看图,填空。 How much is it? It’s _____ yuan. How much is _____? It’s 238 yuan. _____ _____ is it? It’s 180 yuan. 4. _____ _____ ___ ___? _____ 100 pounds. 5. _____ _____ ___ ___? It’s 25 _____. 6. _____ _____ ___ ___? _____ _____ ________. Exercise Keys 看图,填空。 How much is it? It’s _____ yuan. How much is _____? It’s 238 yuan. _____ _____ is it? It’s 180 yuan. 4. _____ _____ ___ ___? _____ 100 pounds. 5. _____ _____ ___ ___? It’s 25 ________. 6. _____ _____ ___ ___? _____ _____ ________. Summary Homework 1)抄写衣物单词; 2)家听数字20 – 90(挑10个); 3)在练习本上画2 - 3样衣物。 * T-shirt shirt skirt dress blouse sweater jacket coat T-shirt -- How much is it? (它值多少钱?) -- It’s ________ yuan. 59 -- How much is it? (它值多少钱?) -- It’s ________ yuan. 129 shirt -- How much is it? (它值多少钱?) -- It’s ________ yuan. 119 skirt -- How much is it? (它值多少钱?) -- It’s ________ yuan. 139 dress -- How much is it? (它值多少钱?) -- It’s ________ pounds. 129 blouse -- How much is it? (它值多少钱?) -- It’s ________ pounds. 79 sweater -- How much is it? (它值多少钱?) -- It’s ________ pounds. 249 jacket -- How much is it? (它值多少钱?) -- It’s ________ pounds. 369 coat 重复三次 39 it How much How much is it It’s How much is it pounds How mu


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