精彩英语小故事Stories in English.doc

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精彩英语小故事Stories in English

英语故事Stories in English 目 录 Contents 英语故事Stories in English 1 I. A French Traveler 2 2. A Smart Boy 3 3. But I Missed Again 4 4. Getting Lost 4 5. A Clever Boy 5 6. Who Deserves Help? 6 7. Be Medically Examined 6 8 .A Horse Thief 7 9. Mark Twain Was Fooled 8 10 .The Generals Teeth 8 11. Balzacs Handwriting 9 12. Einstein and Chauffeur 10 13. Florence Nightingale 11 14. An Advertisement for Modern Bicycle 12 15. A Clever Interpreter 13 16. Who Pushed Me In 13 17. A Clever Man 14 18. Do I Have to Give the Watch Back? 15 19. Minding His Ts and 2s 16 20. A Bet 17 21 .The Man Who Had No Friends 18 22. Uncle Podgerat Work 19 23. An Attempted Murder 19 24 .The Lost Ring 21 25. The Perfect Pearl 22 26. A Funny Thing Happened to Me. . 23 27. Like Clockwork 24 28 .The Ugly Duckling 25 29. The Nightingale 26 30 .A Faithful Dog 27 31?The Fox and the Grape 28 32. The Hare and the Tortoise 29 33 .The Wolf and the Lamb 29 34?The Milkmaid 30 35. The Lion and the Mouse 31 36. April Fools Day 32 37. Valentines Day 33 38 .The Three Wishes 33 39. The Magic Kettle 34 40. Menciuss Mother 35 41. The Thief and His Mother 36 42. The Fisherman and the Gold Fish 37 43 .The Kind-hearted Mermaid 40 44. Cinderella 42 45.The Garden of Eden and the Serpent 45 46. The Tower of Babel 46 47. The Flood 47 48. Echo 49 49. Narcissus 50 50. How Troubles Came into the World 51 1. A French Traveler A Frenchman was once traveling in England. He could speak English quite well but not perfectly. For one thing, his vocabulary was not large. One day, he was having a meal in a small country hotel and wanted to order some eggs. But he couldnt remember the word for eggs. Suddenly, through the window, he saw a rooster walking in the yard. He immediately asked the waiter what the bird was called in English. The waiter told him that it was called a rooster. The Frenchman then asked what the roosters wife was called. The waiter told him that she was called a hen. The Frenchman then asked


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