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that和those可以代表前面提到的名词以避免重复. Life today is much better than that in the old days. Television sets made in Beijing are just as good as those made in Shanghai. Those后边加上限制性修饰语后, 用于泛指”人们”. God helps those who help themselves. Those who live are those who fight. 比较下列三个句子: Who is he? What is he? Which is he? 他是谁?(想了解他的情况) 询问他的职业。 哪一个是他?(例如在一群人中辨别要找的人) Lecture Four Pronouns 代词的分类:p82 本讲主要内容: 人称代词(Personal Pronouns) 物主代词(Possesive Pronouns) 自身代词 (Self Pronouns) 相互代词 (Reciprocal Pronouns) 指示代词 (Demonstrative Pronouns) 疑问代词 ( Interrogative Pronouns) 人称代词(Personal Pronouns) 单数 复数 主 格 I, you, he, she, it we, you , they 宾 格 me,you ,him, her, it us, you, them 人称代词应用的三大原则 1.“数”的一致:代词的单复数形式与所指代对象的单复数形式一定要保持一致. My father is fat– ___ weighs over two hundred pounds. I recognized one of the girls, but I didn’t speak to ___. 2.“性别”的一致: 阴阳性别前后一定要保持一致. The boy is the brightest in the class. All the teachers like __. 3.“人称”的一致:第一人称,第二人称,第三人称的一致. 不仅包括句子中,还包括整个语篇中. Jane and I may move to Australia. __ hear that the climate there is healthful. You and Lucy can go there by car. __ don’t have to walk along with us. Tom spoke to his mother, but __ didn’t hear ___. 人称代词的排列顺序 单数二三一,复数一二三,承担责任我在前。 You, he and I must obey the rules. We, you and they should stay here. I and he are wrong. 表示男女的代词并排使用时,通常是先男后女。如: Nobody likes such things except him and her. 使用人称代词的几个注意点 she 的用法(p85): 国家、城市、地球、船舶、雌性动物等,带有一种感情色彩。China is a great country. ____ has an area of 9,600,000 square kilometers. it的用法(p86): 时间、日期、距离、婴儿、天气等。 What a beautiful baby--is it a boy? -Who is it at the door? -Its me . 当上文提到的人的性别不明时 If a person had so much money, ____ would do it in another way. If anyone comes, ask _________ to wait. 一般用 he, him 来指代。 对于 anybody, everybody, nobody, anyone, someone, everyone这类性别不明的不定代词,它们可用单数 he, him 指代,也可用复数 they,them指代,用单数较正式,用复数较口语化。 he him/them 物主代词(Possessive Pronouns) 单数 复数 形容词性物主代词 my, y


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