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1.aid n. “帮助”或“援助” 不可数名词; “助手” “辅助用品” 可数名词 v. 帮助,援助,急救 帮助某人做某事 助听器 medical aid 进行急救 在某人的帮助下 为了帮助…. 词义辨析 P62 injure: wound: hurt: harm: 6. stick v. n. stick – stuck — stuck 1) The boys threw sticks and stones at the dog. 2) Stick a label on your suitcase. v.粘住,粘贴 stick…. on / to…. 3) I found a nail sticking in the tyre. v. 刺;戳 be / get stuck in 陷入, 卡住 4)I will try my best to stick to my dream. v. 坚持,粘牢 stick to sth 坚持某事 7. Over and over again 反复,多次 我已经多次提醒过你不要那么做。 I have reminded you not to do that over and over again. 1. 我们帮助他筹集资金。 We aided him to raise money/in raising… 2.被雨淋了之后,他得了重病。 After he was caught in the rain, he fell seriously ill. 3.在交通事故中受伤的人被尽快送往了医院。 The injured in the traffic accident were taken to the hospital as soon as possible. 4.要不是那好心人他可能会因流血过多而死亡。Without the kind-hearted man, he would bleed to death. 5.该系统已成为进步的障碍。 The system has become a barrier to progress. Unit 5 First aid According to Chinese Communication Ministry, there were more than 760,000 traffic accidents in China last year, resulting in over 106,000 deaths. 71% (Seventy one percent) of the deaths were due to the lack of timely first aid. Read aloud In other words, timely first aid is vital in a way. Unexpected emergency happens at any time. Whenever emergency happens, we should have a good knowledge of some first aid . bleeding What is first aid ? ( P33 ) First aid is ______________________ given to someone who suddenly ______ or _________ before a doctor can be found. Often the illness or injury is not serious, but there are other times when giving first aid quickly can____________( 拯救生命 ). a temporary form of help falls ill gets injured Warming up 译:有时你不知道在这些情景下如何进行急救。 译:曾经很长一段时间我很苗条。 There?are?times?when?you don’t know how to perform first aid in these situations.? There was a long time when I was rather slim. save lives accident first


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