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2007年第 4 期 宝  钢  技  术 45 研究与开发 大型特厚板用扁钢锭的研制 蔡得祥1, 2 ,李金富1 ( 1. 上海交通大学 ,上海  200030; 2. 宝钢股份公司 ,上海  20 1900)   摘要 :随着造船 、大型模具和能源等行业的发展 ,特厚板产品得到越来越广泛的应用 。宝钢生产特厚板所 用锭型为 20世纪 80年代初从日本引进的 B F28锭型 ,该锭型上小下大 ,平头平尾 , 易形成中心疏松和二次缩 孔 ,严重制约产品的竞争力 。为提高特厚板质量 ,在计算机模拟的基础上 ,成功研制出适合本厂特厚板轧制的 30 t大型扁钢锭 。新锭型在成分偏析 、低倍组织以及超声波探伤方面较原锭型有显著的改善 。   关键词 :扁钢锭 ;偏析 ;缩孔 ;特厚板 中图分类号 : TF777 文献标识码 : B  文章编号 : 1008 - 07 16 (2007) 04 - 0045 - 04 D evelopm en t of L arge Ingot Slab for Heavy P la te 1, 2 1 C a i D ex ian g , L i J in fu ( 1. Shangha i J iaoTong Un iver sity, Shangha i 200030, Ch ina; 2. Bao shan Iron Steel Co. , L td. , Shangha i 20 1900, Ch ina)   A b stract:W ith the developm en t of indu strie s, such a s sh ip bu ilding, largescale mou ld and energy, heavy p late s have found more and more app lication s. The ingot slab B ao steel u sed to m anufactu re its heavy p late s wa s B F28, wh ich wa s imported from J ap an in early 1980 s. That ingot slab w ith a sm all and flat top , a b ig and flat bot tom , wa s ap t to form central poro sity and secondary shrinkage cavities. It seriou sly re stricted the comp etitivene ss of B ao steel heavy p late s. In order to imp rove its p roduct quality, B ao steel succe ssfu lly develop ed a new typ e of ingot slab ( 30 ton s) for its heavy p late s based on the comp uter simu lation. Comp ared w ith the o ld one, the new slab is bet ter in compo sition segregation, m acro structure and u ltra son ic exam ination. Keyword s: ingot slab; segregation; shrinkage cavity; heavy p


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