
语言学language in fiction.pptx

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;01;Prose is writing distinguished from poetry by its greater variety of rhythm and its closer resemblance to the patterns of everyday speech. The word prose comes from the Latin “prosa”, meaning “straightforward”.;Prose Style;Authorial style;A writers style is a distinctive signature. Allows an individual to personalize not only the content of his or her message, but also the manner in which the content is received;neoclassicism romanticism;Neoclassicism encourages reason and restraint in writing. It is logical and follows a structed form.;Hemingway;The simplicity of the prose is deceptive;Text Style;传统悲剧性与现实主义的融合 a network of parallels and ;How to analyze the language of fiction?;Patterns of lexis (vocabulary)词汇 From the words we can draw the style or the background of the fictions and the authors. The old words in The Scarlet Letter ,by Nathaniel Hawthorne尼尔·霍桑 e.g. sepulchres坟, stripes鞭打, trow相信, leech医生, wast (be)的第二人称单数, wottest知道 →Terms in this novel are antiquate,reflecting age of the fiction. ;Patters of grammatical organization Thou knowest What is in my heart. ---- The Scarlet Letter. 这是在同时期的其它作品中也绝少见到的古语法现象。 why so many old grammatical ways? 因为《红字》是取材于1642—1649年在北美殖民地新英格兰发生的一个恋爱悲剧。 → By using the old grammatical usages, the author showed us the background of the novel. Patterns of textual organization语法组织 How the units of textual organization, from sentences to paragraphs and beyond, are arranged. 个性化的句子不仅能表现人物的性格特征,还能塑造出作品的文本组织风格 。 e.g. “No, not you ----not a doctor of the body!” “不,不是你---你这个只能治疗肉体疾病的医生!” → Different kinds of textual organization contribute to spreading story. ;Foregrounded features, including figures of speech 《红字》就用了大量的修辞手法,主要有:象征symbolize ,比喻Metaphor 、拟人Personification 、夸张Hyperbole和讽刺Irony等. 从这些修辞手法的使用,可以看出作品具有浓重的个人主观色彩,因为从中我们很容易读出霍桑本人对事物和各人物的态度和看法。 → This help us understand the whole work. Whether any patterns of style variation can be discerned. 《红???》最明显的语言风格就是symbolism的运用,所以在霍桑的笔下,一切都很amb


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