孤立性肺结节的高分辨率CT 定性 - 实用放射学杂志.PDF

孤立性肺结节的高分辨率CT 定性 - 实用放射学杂志.PDF

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孤立性肺结节的高分辨率CT 定性 - 实用放射学杂志

14 8 1999 3 15 3 CT ¹ º ¹ 赵卫东  范梦柏  闫国栋 : CT ( HR CT ) : 75 ( 4 cm) HRCT CT , ( 19) ( 18) ( 38) : 33 42 72. 7% 59. 5% : HRCT CT , X High Resolution CTDiagnosis of Solitary PulmonaryNodules Zhao Weid ong Fan M engbai Yan Guodong I mag ing D iagnostic Centr e, the S econd H osp ital of S hanx i Medical Uni ersity , Taiy uan, 030001 ABSTRACTObjective: T o ev aluate h g h reso lut on CT ( HR CT ) n qua l t at v e d agnos s o f so l tar y pulmo nar y no dules . eth- ods: T he HRCT appearances of 75 nodules w ere analysed . T hey had been d v ded nto t yp cal ma l g nant no dules( 19) ty p cal ben gn ( 18) ( 38) . ones and no nty p cal no dules acco rd ng to marg n nternal st ructure d ameter spec al s gns and dens ty of les o ns Rseults: T he co rr ect d ag nost c r ate w a s 72. 7% ( 24/ 33) fo r mal g nant nodules and 59. 5% ( 25/ 42) fo r ben gn ones . T he HR CT f ea- tures such as lobula t o n or unb l ca t o nntr atumo ral low dens ty ar easshor t sp culat o n or sp nepleur al ndentat on and a rter al supply w ere fo und mor e frequently n small lung cancer . Conclusion: HR CT s super o r to standard CT n dem onstrat on the char ac- ter st c s g ns of so l tar y pulmo nary nodules . T he ma n r easo n o f m sd ag no s s s that so me s g ns w er e o bser ved bo th n m al gnant nodules and ben g n o nes . KeywordsL ungN eoplasm T o mog raphy , X- r ay co mputed ( ) , CT


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