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228 安 徽 医 药 A nh uiM ed ical and P harm aceut ical J ournal 2011 Feb; 15( 2) 氧化低密度脂蛋白与动脉粥样硬化的研究 , (南京中医药大学, 江苏 南京 2 10002) : ( ox id ized low density lipoprote in, oxLDL)( atherosclero sis AS) oxLDL : ; ; ; ; Progress of oxidized low density lipoprotein and atherosclerosis XU iayang, CA IHu i (N anj ing Un iv ers ity of TCM, N anj ing, J iang su 2 10002, Ch ina ) Abstract: Ox idized low density lipoprote in( oxLDL) plays an mi portant role in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. oxLDL influences the m ob id ity and developm ent of atherosclerosis through injur ing endothelial cells, creating foam cells, regu lating the g eneration of vascular sm ooth cells, and other ways. T reating w ith an tiox idant is an mi portant method of curing athero sclerosis. K ey words: ox id ized low dens ity lipoprote in; endothelial cells injury; fo am cells form ation; generation of vascu lar smooth cells; antiox idant ( athero sclerosis A S) , , oxLDL , A S , ( LDL) A S 1 LDL , AS LDL , ( ox id ized low LDL density lipoprote in, oxLDL) , , ( oxLD L) ox : , , , , : LDL , , Em ail: njzy_caihu@i 163. com 2. 3 50 3 ( 6% ) , , 2, 1 50 4 ( 8% ), 2, 2 H p 92% , 74% 94% 84% , ( P 3 0. 05), , 2006, H p PP I+ H p, + ( ) ,


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