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本 科 毕 业 设 计 (论 文) 液压旋回碎矿机的结构设计 The structure design of hydraulic gyratory crusher 学 院: 机械工程学院 专业班级: 机械设计制造及其自动化 D机械122 学生姓名: 王保东 学 号: 2012130163 指导教师: 欧阳淮海(职称) 年 月 毕业设计(论文)中文摘要 液压旋回碎矿机的结构设计 摘 要:破碎机械是冶金、化工、矿山、电力、陶瓷、轻工、水泥、建筑和筑路等工业部门广泛应用的必要设备,破碎作业在国民经济中占有重要的地位,每年都有大量的原料和再利用的废料都需要使用破碎机械进行加工处理,且每年对于破碎机械的使用都在增加。因此,随着现代工业和科学技术的不断发展,同时也促进了破碎机械的发展,相继研制出了粗碎、细碎、超细碎破碎机械、惯性振动破碎机等设备,为了使破碎机械更有效的使用和促进其进一步发展,对其机构、工作原理、参数进行设计计算是十分必要的。由原始数据查阅资料,确定本次设计的破碎机的原型是900-150型液压旋回破碎机,该旋回破碎机主要由动锥和定锥组成,主要进行液压旋回碎矿机的运动分析、机架和支撑装置设计、工作机构设计、传动机构设计、液压排矿口调整机构设计、液压保险装置设计,并对主要零件进行设计计算及强度分析。 关键词:破碎机;设计;计算 毕业设计(论文)外文摘要 The structure design of hydraulic gyratory crusher Abstract: Crushing machines metallurgy, mining, the chemical industry, electronics, light industry, ceramics, cement, construction and road building industries, extensive use of critical equipment, broken operating in the national economy plays an important role. each of a large number of raw materials and reuse of waste, should use the broken machine for processing, and increasing every year. Therefore, as a modern industrial and scientific and technological development, but also promoted the development of broken machinery, have developed a minor, minor-crushing machinery, inertial vibrating crusher and other equipment, For broken machinery more effective use and promote its further development, its agencies, working principle, design parameters is necessary. Data access from raw data,Determine the design of the prototype of the crusher is 900-150 type hydraulic cycle crusher, The crusher is mainly composed of the moving cone and the fixed cone, The main hydraulic gyratory crusher of motion analysis, frame and the support device design, mechanism design, transmission design, hydraulic discharging opening adjusting mechanism design, hydraulic safety device design and the main parts of design calculation and strength analysis. Keywords: C


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