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Interventions and Strategies for Educating Young Children with Autism in the Public Schools Kathy M. Small, M.A. Developmentally-Based Public School Program for Young Children with Autism Provides: 以發展為基礎的學校方案 Normalized educational experience 普通教育經驗 Enjoying normal educational experience, however adapted 合適且有趣的普通教育經驗 Opportunity for social interaction 社會互動的經驗 Daily experience 日常經驗 Same players 相同的玩伴 Structured 結構化 Broad educational approach 廣泛的教學方案 Multiple learning experiences 多元學習經驗 No single approach 非單一的方案 Opportunity for spontaneous imitation 給予模仿的經驗 Familiar environment 和善的環境 Peers, experiences increase possibility of learning to imitate 同儕學習經驗的模仿 Developmentally-Based Program 以發展為主的計畫 Opportunity to benefit from peers as models 製造從同儕中學習的機會 Learn to respond to others 學習回應他人 Incorporate peers into daily learning experiences 把同儕當做每日學習的經驗 Opportunity to develop play skills 製造發展遊戲技巧的機會 Play emphasized in developmental program 遊戲著重在發展性的計畫 Familiar peers, relationship熟悉的同儕和關係 Child’s interests and strengths as source of information for program planning:設計計劃要考慮孩子的興趣及能力 Motivation considered要考慮動機 Consideration of child in developing curriculum/learning experiences/daily activities 考慮孩子的發展性課程/學習經驗/每日例行活動 Good for all children, critical for children with ASD 對每個孩子都有益,尤其是ASD兒童 Developmentally-Based Program 以發展為主的計畫 Opportunity to develop and use language 製造發展和使用語言的機會 Familiar environment with familiar peers provides context for language 使用熟悉的環境和同儕做為語言的內容 Daily activities reinforcing for language 利用每日例行活動可加強語言 Parent support and advocacy 家長的支持和擁護 Parent and educator can share knowledge, concerns, triumphs and goals 親師可以分享新知、要事、喜悅和目標 Supports generalized learning 家長的支持可以概括到學習 Specific Classroom Practices in an Early Intervention Program for Children with ASD ASD兒童早期介入方案中的特別教室練習 Evaluate communication and language abilities 評估溝通和語言能力 Non-verbal and verbal by observation/parent 透過觀察及家長得知有無語言 Behavior is c


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